Astonishingly bad

I've only seen the first two episodes, but can already tell that its awful. So many outlandish and far-fetched scenarios. If FBI agents behaved as depicted in this show, the bureau would've been shut down long ago. In two episodes, I've seen FBI agents break into a man's garage for no apparent reason and violently strong-arm a potential witness for information. I doubt the FBI did this stuff even at the height of Hoover's abuses, much less in the 1980's.

The scheme to put a bug in Caspar Weinberger's clock is probably the most ridiculous of all. An operation that sensitive would never involve some random maid with no financial or ideological motive to help the Soviets. The maid can go to the FBI at any time after they administer the antidote and compromise the whole thing. Any intelligence gained would be useless at that point.

And the "spies" themselves are ridiculous. They're native to the USSR but speak perfect American English. Ridiculous stuff.


has a high rating however


That's because it's a great show.. NOT astonishingly bad.

Everyone is entitled to their opinion and my opinion is that the op takes things out of context with only a scant 2 episodes and that he enjoys taking things apart more than he enjoys enjoying them.

It's a trend these days to be overly critical of everything..


The OP usually writes ridiculous posts on every forum.


The OP is a Trump supporter. He's entitled to his opinion...and I'm entitled to ignore it as worthless.


So watch something else! The show is popular among intelligent people.


astonishingly bad thread

guess what. this is based upon a true story. some folks have tremendous language ability. couple that with 5 years of intensive training under a soviet model, you'd be surprised.

took the soviets 10 years to go from nowhere to a world power in hockey. regimentation has its strong points.

you get no bars
