Did anyone see this?

Not one comment on this website after a limited release! In theaters for about 1 week in 2019, it still has 2017 on this website.

Pretty remarkable that there is no posts considering it is a mainstream movie.

Interesting topic to me, should I see this?


If you're interested in the topic, sure. It's not riveting but a decent account of the war of the currents and how Edison, Westinghouse, Tesla, Morgan, et. al. played a role. And the birth of GE.


Thnks I'll check it out. I finished a book on Telsa a few months back, interesting person.


They deal with Tesla vs. Edison a bit too in "The Prestige".


apparently not


It is on pay movie cable now, the rating of 47 is making me think of saving money.


Just saw. Story could have been told a little better, but otherwise great. You get a real feel for the issues and personalities. Should have been a mini-series to continue throughout their lives. Still could be, I suppose.




I thought it had a strong visual style, but the actual story meandered about and seemed unfocused.

I saw the Director's Cut, which supposedly is much better than the theatrical cut. If that's the case, the theatrical cut must be a real mess.


I watched it not too long ago because I was interested in the subject matter as well. Can't say I'm disappointed, it's good but like a previous poster said, its more style over substance. The sets are top notch but the movie feels a little flat. Not sure why, but maybe electricity is just not a very interesting topic for a film. lol....

For example... (minor spoiler) when they light up the worlds fair, there's no dramatic music to accompany this great moment in history. They do play music but it's "skippy music" and the camera switches to tiny split screens and shows a closeup of someone's face in the middle, I was not even sure who's face that is??? So, rather than giving us "big crashing music" and a broad camera view to make us feel like we're there witnessing it, it's kind of like "ohhh look everyone... lights" and that's about it...

(end spoiler)

The movie is full of missed opportunities like this...

But still, the story is good and the visuals are in fact nice throughout most of the film, I would recommend it if you have any interest in the subject or if you just want a history lesson on how we got to where we are today as far as powering up homes is concerned. However, I do think Tesla should have played a bigger role in the movie. They missed out on featuring him a little more, he was an interesting person.

That's not to say Edison and Westinghouse weren't but Tesla was somewhat viewed as a "mad scientist" type and that can translate to good film. Either way, I give TCW a 7.2 out of 10. And that might be my bias showing because I do find the battle between Westinghouse and Edison to be a fascinating topic.


Have you seen The Prestige yet? It makes an interesting use of Tesla in their story.


I haven't seen TP yet. What does that film have to do with Nikola Tesla?


One of the magicians uses his invention to do one of his tricks but it leads to a wild twist at the end. I think you'll like it.


Thanks... I'll check it out.


DON'T read the message boards before you view the movie. There are undeclared spoilers everywhere.


