MovieChat Forums > Dawn of the Planet of the Apes (2014) Discussion > Why wasn't James Franco in this one?

Why wasn't James Franco in this one?

- He didn't want to come back (for whatever reason)
- They didn't want him back (for whatever reason)
- It was actually intended for the story and had nothing to do with the actor


The story sucked.


Plot hole


He's creepy, nobody likes him anymore.


this movie is from 2014, retard. But damn, really disappointed with the responses on this thread in retrospect as it is a pretty interesting question. Why the hell wasn't James Franco in this one, does anyone know? I would love if someone with an actual answer would chime in on this.

And sorry for singling you out of you 3, as all 3 of you are just as useless, but it's just because your response was the most recent one.


> this movie is from 2014, retard.

You put the comment out there, and solicited other people's replies.
I replied with how I and others I've talked to feel about him. I
happen to live in Palo Alto, where Franco is from and made a
not very interesting movie about, and was holding his sex movie
seminars where he just got sued and lost ... so describing him as
creepy is perfectly appropriate and a lot of people feel that way.
It is creepy that you seem to want to defend him in an abusive way.

Don't be sorry, don't do it. If you do not like the replies you get,
it is on you in your comment and manner, it not because other
people are retards. People who cannot make a comment with
calling other people idiot or retard should be barred from society.
That is what is useless. Take some personal responsibility for your
behavior, and don't be sorry for being rude and abusive, just don't
do it to being with. It merely shows you have low brain power and
poor self-control. Not to mention ignorant on the issue you
commented on.


how do you even type in such a squarish format btw? But the reason I called you a retard, and am calling you one again, is because you are not actually answering my question. I am aware about the recent stuff with him, but it has absolutely no bearing on the question I'm asking, so you're reply is redundant. The reply by Kowalski was exactly what I was looking for, yours is not. Maybe you can learn something from him.


LOL. An insult from an inferior is more like a compliment, thanks.
> so you're reply is redundant.
"you are" reply is worse


"In December 2012, after the departure of director Wyatt, James Franco speculated that he would not return for the sequel, saying, "Now Rupert's not a part of it so I don't know. My guess is I won't be in it. Nobody's talked to me since Rupert left." Freida Pinto, who played primatologist Caroline Aranha in Rise, confirmed that she would not return for Dawn. In April 2014, when asked by IGN about the fate of Franco and Pinto's characters, producer Dylan Clark said, "I mean, they’re the ones that died...They were ground zero of the virus."



Thanks, this answers my question :)


It looks like Franco was never meant to return and they always had Caesar as main character who we see in different phases of his life and all other humans are for a brief time in it. It wasn't trilogy about Franco being friends with Caesar and having adventures. It was about humans dying out.


I would love to see Franco character for closure. But I do understand that it wasn't his story anymore and it was very realistic that Caesar lives in his woods and Franco just vanished like all other people. It would be very unrealistic that almost all humanity died but he somehow survived. It was realistic that Caesar returned to his home to see it empty and abandoned. And only pictures reminded him of Franco.

Also I feel like Caesar, living so close to his old home, would have the desire to come back more often to that house he was happy in and had owner/father figure.

On the other hand it would be cool to include Franco for 10 minute role. Not unrealistic. Technically her could be among survivors.
