MovieChat Forums > Inside Out (2015) Discussion > I couldnt feel much for Riley as a chara...

I couldnt feel much for Riley as a character.

Good movie. I like the concept and themes. That said I didnt feel any emotional attatchment to Riley as a character. I felt like she was more than anything just this avatar being controlled by 5 other characters. This imo is bad for a film that tries to tug ay the emotions when i cant feel any emotion for whats going on with this character and her life. Alsl unrelated criticism but i dislike how it primarily focused on Joy and Sadness while Anger, Fear, and Disgust were sorta pushed to the side.


I'm on the other side, I never saw things in this movie as minions controlling a robot. I was so impressed by the film's metaphorical approach and characterisation that I truly felt I learned about Riley, as the movie title suggests, from the inside out. So needless to say, I'm emotionally involved completely every time I watch it.

"If life is getting you down and needs uplifting, then please come dance with me!"


Alsl unrelated criticism but i dislike how it primarily focused on Joy and Sadness while Anger, Fear, and Disgust were sorta pushed to the side.

Not push to the side at all, they are the whole reason that we have a climax where Riley attempts to run away, with the bad idea and all.

Also, you can't take the five of them as separate entity. They are all Riley, a part of her, they are all what SHE feels, they are the reflection of HER feelings, not the other way around. The focus of this particular story was that Riley had to accept Sadness as an important emotion and learn that Joy alone couldn't bring true happiness in life. The action of her getting grumpy and disinterested, stealing and running away are all because she felt anger, fear and disgust, but no joy or was closed to sadness. So those emotions were pretty important to the story.

The thing is, with that concept, you must choose carefully what will be the main focus of what's happening outside the head of a person and understand what emotions will come into play. This is very very tricky, and they execute it flawlessly in "Inside Out", but it takes skills and deep understanding of people to match the emotion and the life situation properly pretty much in real time, and it will make a very different kind of story to focus on anger, disgust or fear.

Try imagining every feeling as Riley and how it reflects on her turmoil, and it should make much more sense at a second viewing. If you see Riley as this big robot controlled by little people, it's obvious it's less enjoyable and makes less sense.


Every main character in the film is Riley. That's what can be hard to perceive, that Riley is not being controlled by the emotion characters but that they are actually parts of her and their characters are her character.


That's exactly what I loved and struggled with at first. I was like, 'okay wait...these aren't autonomous beings controlling her. These are extensions of her. That's really interesting."

It made me think about my own emotions differently. They're to be respected and acknowledged- not ignored.

"What race are you? If you don't tell me I'll just...assume the worst."


Agreed. Riley was simply a quite bland and personality-deprived character. She simply was not given a proper reason to care for her, other than superficially.


What I think is that Riley is meant to be an "everygirl", whom we should all be able to relate to.
But often, it fails if the audience only sees the character as "bland" and "personality-deprived"...




Anger, Fear and Disgust are not the primary character traits of a little kid. Kids are almost always about Joy and Sadness. If you have kids or work around kids you'll know.


I do sort of see where the TC is coming from. I feel like Riley just feels like a typical kid and is less interesting than the actual emotion characters.


But that is kind of the point.
There is nothing special about Riley, but what is original about this story is how we can see how her emotions and her mind work.
