MovieChat Forums > The Batman (2022) Discussion > Kinda liked the trailer but

Kinda liked the trailer but

WTF is with the voice?

He's voice is nothing like the bass booming voice of batman, more like a soft voice of a regular guy ...


I, for one, am thankful Batman doesn't have throat cancer in this.


Yeah that was horrid with Bale's voice, he was probably hoarse with a mild sore throat after all the takes that required him to croak his voice. I prefer the microphone as the one used by batfleck which can be configured and modulated.


But Bales Batman also used a device to affect his voice.

And given that Pattinsons iteration of the character is a younger, embryonic version of the character, it makes sense that he would not be using the deep voice yet.

That said...the line 'I'm vengeance!' In the trailer still came across as very menacing.


Bale always sounded stupid with that voice. I'm glad Pattinson chose to tone it down a bit.


I think it's more up to the directors to decide things like that.


That depends on how collaborative the director is. I'm guessing both have a say in it, with the director making the final decision.


Agree, but he toned it down way too much ...


Even Keaton change his voice in his movies. Just differently than the way Bale did it. Patterson going sound like if Batman was a real estate broker. Bruce and Batman should not sound exactly the same. Even Kevin Conroy has a different voice for Bruce and Batman.
