MovieChat Forums > House of Cards (2013) Discussion > Season 5 of house of cards will be much ...

Season 5 of house of cards will be much weaker than the previous ones.

Even with that twist ending season 5 will not be better.
and here's why: Frank Underwood might lose. When he loses he loses the viewers loses. Because we know the show has ended.

Jon conway is the worst character and also the worst actor of the show. That speech he gave about ICO was ridiculous. I'll only be rooting for his wife :)

Season 5 will be the last season of this show, but it's been already 1,5 years since no House of cards. The creators are waiting to long to air this show, which can cause lower viewership overtime.

The season's in were frank was building up to become the most powerful man in the country are much more entertaining.


I think the show peaked with the first two seasons, and it's been on the decline ever since. I felt last season (4) was barely above just had a feeling of trying too hard, whereas previous seasons seemed more organic and the machinations and twists of the plot didn't seemed as strained and forced.

I'll watch the current season...eventually. I'm in no rush to do so. I think the current main plot of having Claire as Frank's VP is ludicrous; I'm really not looking forward to watching it unfold.


Well yeah, they jumped into the Presidency way too quickly. Frank should have been VP for at least another 2 seasons. There's nowhere to go but down, and now Frank gets to go down, as we see in Season 5.

And yes, Hannah Conway is the best thing about the last 2 seasons.


Season 5 finale although was epic, I still believe the previous season's with Zoe Barnes are better. It felt like the Discount version of the Trump administrations which is going to be far worse now since he claims that Climate Change is a hoax.

The last episode actualy shows Frank losing it. Clair becoming president is probably the best thing that ever happened to America.


The first two seasons were great. Season three was bad. Season 4 was better. Season 5 was also an improvement. But none of them capture the magic of the first two.

I still enjoy it, but this show is feeling like it is running its course, if it hasn't already.

I feel that the only way this show will end is if either Frank, Claire or both die.


The first 2 season's were amazing, very dark tone and is David Fincher's finest work. By season 3 onwards the show starts to go downhill. I already expected season 5 to be a letdown all though was interested in how the finale went down. Season 4 was ruined by Tom Yates and the republican's. Actually the whole Tom yates part was a waste of time, I thought we would get to know more about the Underwood's Past.

Rooting for the 2 headcharacter also means knowing who they are! We still don't know who these 2 people are.


Seasons 3, 4 and 5 were watered down with unnecessary fillers, cause the producers (who also happen to be the lead actors) tried to prolong the series as much as possible. I feel that it all could've been done in 3 excellent seasons. Instead this show fell a victim of its own success. I'm not saying that the last 3 seasons weren't good, but honestly, how often do the aging actors get a chance to be in a prime time series like this one? Not often. And that's why they wanted to milk it for all it's worth, quality be damned.


I'm in total agreement: the show now reeks (and has, for the last couple of seasons) of padding itself just to sustain its existence without bringing plausibly viable (in a worthwhile dramatic fashion anyway) to the story.

It's my belief--even though I haven't heard anything confirming this from a reliable source--that Beau Willimon, the chief creative force behind the series--left the show because he wished to end the story earlier, and everyone else (including, of course, Netflix) did not. So he said sayonara and split.
