MovieChat Forums > Top Gun: Maverick (2022) Discussion > Why Su-57 can't lock-on F-14, but F-14 c...

Why Su-57 can't lock-on F-14, but F-14 can lock-on Su-57 ?

The terrain confuse Su-57's targeting system, but... why F-14 wouldn't get confuse? When F-14 try to lock-on Su-57, it didn't even confuse once. Why?


No one knows the answer???????????


I think it is because the Su57 at least within the context of the film is too sophisticated and due to that the radar lock on is all automated whereas the F14 is an older aircraft and is simpler.

There is a running theme in the film about the old world and ways being better than the new age.


Su-57's radar is more modern, and more likely to be able to filter out ground interference. So it really should be the other way around.

There is actually the same problem in the current Ukraine war, that Ukraine jets are older, not or less stealthy, they compensate by flying low and close to the ground, but the problem is the Russian jets are newer and have better radars to filter out the ground interference and shot them down. And they were not even talking about Russian jets as new as Su-57, they were talking about Su-35s.

Then again, when they say they can't use F-35 because GPS jammers are present, you know there are going to be things don't make technical sense.

Just like why have 2 top gun pilots never seen the very famous "falling leaf" maneuver before?

There are other things as well, like F-14 can't do short distance take off, so they should have never been able to take off in the first place.

Why is there a F-14 fueled and weapon loaded anyway?

For military enthusiasts this movie is full of all kinds of technical problems or errors. To the point I could not really enjoy it, everything is so stupid and cheesy.

So ignorance is bliss, at least that line held true for this movie.


All of these are valid, but as one of the ignorant masses, the one thing that got me was when Rooster said, "come on Mav, do some of that pilot shit"

This line made a lot of sense when it came from Goose in the original, because he was a RIO and not a pilot himself. "Pilot shit" referred to the things he didn't quite understand himself as a non-pilot, but he knew Maverick was very good at.

I know they were going for the emotional nostalgia angle here, but it makes little sense for one Top Gun pilot to refer to another Top Gun pilot's high performance maneuvering as "some of that pilot shit."


I know they were going for the emotional nostalgia angle here, but it makes little sense for one Top Gun pilot to refer to another Top Gun pilot's high performance maneuvering as "some of that pilot shit."

Very true.


Are you in military? How did you know all this stuff?


No, I am a military enthusiast. I was from engineering background and ever since I retired about 8 years ago I've got interested in military and aviation stuff. I've been reading a lot on the subject.


Why is there a F-14 fueled and weapon loaded anyway?

Huh? I thought planes in military base would fueled and loaded to prepare combat immediately.


Planes are not usually fueled until before they fly, for fighter jets their fuel load and weapon loads are based on the mission profile.

If they are fueled and loaded, where are the pilots? Where are the ground staff? They just prepared everything and left? That is soap opera level convenience.


For emergency? Like... suddenly got invaded by other country.


It takes like 20 minutes for ground preparation, 1 minute for take off. But they just decided to leave only at the last minute?


That is not what I mean. I mean for emergency purpose, like suddenly got invaded, they can take off right away, don't need preparation.


It doesn't work like that. I guess I should explain in more details. It depends on the level of readiness or alert.

If they are on alert, they probably can cut down ground preparation to something like 10 minutes.

If they are on high alert, basically that means the planes are parked next to a fuel station or fuel truck, missiles are in crates (or you risk to have dud missiles) but stored next to the aircraft instead of armories. Pilots sleep at very short distance. Then they can probably cut down ground preparation to about 2 ~ 5 minutes.

Only if aircraft is already parked on runways, with fuel and weapons loaded, the pilots sleep in the cockpit or next to the plane, then you can take off right away.

That is why it is important to have early warning aircraft. The enemy clearly did not have it, what happened was the consequence of that. If they did, it would have been a very different story, the low flying of F-18s, the cruise missiles, all would have been found out much earlier, even shot down before they reached the target.


"It's the pilot, not the plane."
