The true reason behind White guilt

Ask yourself how come there is basically no White guilt relative to Asians? There are definitely some bad things Whites have done to Asians historically, and Chinese for example helped build the American railroads that connected the country. Yet almost no one is pushing White guilt towards Asians or the idea that "Asians built the country". How come?

Because Asians are successful and there is no need for that narrative of Asian victimhood. Blacks on the other hand are not, so they must push one sided, decontextualized and exaggerated narratives of White guilt and Black victimhood. (If Asians on the other hand had the same problems as Blacks, we wouldn't hear the end of how Whites treated Japanese Americans during WW2, how Chinese built the railroads and what the British Empire did to China during opium wars).

Liberals know that without that one sided narrative of White guilt towards Blacks, Whites might start judging Blacks according to their character, and that is unacceptable. (liberals are now openly saying this MLK standards is racist, ask yourself why)

White guilt isn't the result of White behaviour, it's a result of BLACK FAILURE. If Blacks in America were successful, NOBODY would be pushing White guilt today.

The fact Blacks are such miserable failures in America is already costing White people trillions, not to mention all the city destruction, crime, affirmative action etc. But as if that is not enough, now that Blacks have such problems, Whites have to be demonized on top of it just to fight potential resentment against Blacks which they bring to themselves with their behaviour.


Heck Irish weren't treated as 'white' back in the day ..


Nope, that's a myth pushed by left wingers in order to deconstruct White people. It simply isn't true.


Lol ok then "myths need not apply" I guess.

You are aware of the history between Ireland and England ... Right?


Bad opinions of the Irish of the English does not equate Irish being seen as non White. If Irish are weren't seen as White, how come they were able to immigrate after the 1790 immigration bill that explicitly limited immigration to White people?


I said they were 'treated' as non white, not that people didn't consider them white.

Irish were heavily discriminated against in the 19th century, this is not liberal revisionist history. They weren't treated as badly as blacks, though that I never claimed that.

I don't get how Irish not being the same as English (they are still fighting to this day) is somehow deconstructing white people LOL.


I'm sorry I read your post as if you were saying they weren't considered White. Many leftists do push this myth in order to deconstruct and de-legitimize the European race.


I agree that is a weird thing for leftists to do.


Have you noticed how desperate liberals and hard-leftists are to try and look like heroes for the very people they caused to be downtrodden? I've seen it over and over again in movies and tv shows, where the heroes and peacemakers were the "open-minded liberal" ones that pushed for peace between factions. It was never a conservative doing it.

If anyone has a ridiculous "white savior" complex, it's those on the Left. They see black people as useful tools, rather than people who can be saved from poverty. Liberals and the party they follow resented losing their slaves in the 1860s and did everything they could to keep black people from succeeding, even if such endeavors failed once in a while.

This guilt they speak of is a myth. Liberals don't feel guilty about slavery; they're just mad that they can't have it legally anymore, and take pleasure into brainwashing the youth into feeling sorry for blacks instead of helping them for real. They're more than happy to give the black community fish for each day, rather than teach them how to fish, because that way, they can control them in ways that aren't considered "illegal." They didn't develop the welfare system out of kindness towards the poor and downtrodden; it's a form of control, to keep their chosen pets "poor and downtrodden" while their invisible masters remain in power, and it's worked for over 50 years.

Part of the myth they like to craft about conservatives is that "we don't care." Our solution of making people work and earn their money and a chosen way of life that's better than when they started, is considered "too hard" or "cruel" in the minds of liberals and lazy left-wingers everywhere. They don't like that we tell them to take responsibility for their actions and their lives, because when you do that, you GROW UP and take control of your life, not having to depend on others all the time. People who do that are of no use to the Left at all.


