MovieChat Forums > Shameless (2011) Discussion > Am i missing something with Lip being so...

Am i missing something with Lip being some chick magnet?

I mean girls just flock to him like he's Brad Pitt or something, now i'm not saying he's ugly but i don't think he looks like some stud that girls would flock to at first glance.

I mean when he stays in the basement of that sorority house you hear girls in the background snickering and saying "Omg he's so hot heheh". When that new girl gets hired by Fiona at the diner, not a few days later shes already telling Fiona "Oh hey wanna go out dancing? Oh and bring Lip with you too" so she immediately wants to bone Lip as soon as she got hired there and she barely even saw him.

Karen and Mandy was both obsessed with him, that college professor acted as if she couldn't resist him and was falling in love with him.

I mean honest to god i just don't get it.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


He's hot because of the way he carries himself. Like there's just something incredibly attractive about confidence and not giving a *beep* and even when he says nothing you can still see he putting out that vibe.
Also being smart is sexy and I can't lie sometimes a good fight or two can give off that vibe as well.
He reminds me of Ed Sheean the singer. Who I also think is smoking hot and it has everything to do with the vibe he puts out and almost nothing to do with his physical appearance.


Yeah i guess i can understand that, but man it just seems odd that it seems to work on every girl he comes in contact with. I mean jeez seems like as soon as a girl lays eyes on him his dick's in her 5 minutes later.

Thats what i love about these high school girls, i get older they stay the same age.


the way he carries himself? that is attractive?

First, he has a very stupid name. Never have I heard anyone have the name "lip" and even if he had that as a kid, a normal or half-normal person would abandon that stupid name before high-school.

Second, he is always unaware of how things work, what the rules and regulations are, and he's a rude jerk to most people he meets... He thinks he doesn't have to follow the rules of the rest of society (see when he goes to college or when he get a jobs: he's whines and cries and acts like he should get special treatment)


It's a bit much that all of his girl friends are gorgeous. Maybe if his women were normal looking, I could buy it. A normal looking dude can pull an occasional hot girl, but like 12 10's? get out of here


Well, in this show, there are no young women who aren't 10's so, that drives up the odds considerably.


there are quite a few young women on this show who aren't even close to being a 10 :)


It's the way he carries himself. I'm incredibly attracted to his character. Not necessarily because of his looks but his persona. Plus being experienced sure doesn't hurt either. But not only that, he seems to be a very caring person underneath the whole bad boy image he tries to put out. Chicks can see that.


He's so attractive because he is an asshole who will never be in a committed intimate relationship, so that makes it completely safe for a woman to get involved with him, because she can never really be hurt when they break up. What comes off as confidence in Lip is the precise opposite: he lacks the balls truly to open himself up to a woman. And quickly sleeping with a man right after you meet him, or even KNOW him, is a sure-fire way to prevent real intimacy. Intimacy is much more emotional than it is physical. I've had a lot of women friends who let me get much closer to them than they let the guy who was fucking them get.


i think his attitude has a lot to do with it too. He is good looking, but he's also loyal and rough around the edges while still being a good guy. Plus he doesn't seem to ever want a girlfriend, and girls find this attractive.


I don't get it either. He looks like and aardvark and he is very awkward. I have never got why as soon as he sees a chick the clothes come off the both of them. He's not sexy either.


Wrong, he's actually a pretty ugly person...
And DIRTY too...

All of these people on this show start their day putting on dirty clothes and not bathing. It is really disgusting.
