Just showed up on HBO

A close up look at Trump loonies, and their King Loonie.


Roger Ebert gives it 3½/4 ! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt15520020/criticreviews?ref_=tt_ov_rt


Didn't he die? Pretty sure he did... Unless someone took over the account/site and is continuing his legacy or something.


I wonder if it covers the torture of the political prisoners?


Jail them all for life. The only reason they were not shot on sight is because the protesters were white. The authorities knew what was happening but chose not to provide proper security...Why??? And how can Trump not be held responsible, he could have stopped this from happening but chose not to do anything. It is coming to light that even members of his own family were pleading with him to tell the crowd to back down. If Trump is allowed to stand in 2024 then that will truly be the end of democracy in America.


I agree with you completely. Not only that. The film shows a total naivete from the protesters' side. They are so gullible it's terrifying and laughable at the same time. From what I saw, they believed everything Trump and his media told them. They blindly followed a so-called leader who decided to "stay back and stay put" just in case things went wrong, and they did.

White people pissed at the government the same way an 8 year old girl throwing a temper tantrum for not getting a pony on Christmas. White people saying "Trump is the second coming of Jesus" because he will "cure the USA from rapists and pedophiles". My God, is this what you turn into after watching FOX News all day?

This kind of brainwashed people not only exists in the U.S.; unfortunately we see them in countries like Brazil, France, Spain and Germany. Of course, there is freedom of speech here and Americans can curse their current president now if they want, but the problem is way, way rooted into our psyches and that reflects in our constant state of paranoia.

The police officers who took their lives after this horrible incident were not prepared for something as hellish as this. To make things worse, Trump was acquitted like he didn't have anything to do. Essentially this was a failed coup-d'etat.


> is this what you turn into after watching FOX News all day?

That's an affirmative batgirl.


I don't think that is the only reason. Clearly almost any price to pay is worth playing that the US does not look like the Russian or Chinese revolution or a third world country. Shooting large numbers of people ( next time I hope ) for the first time was probably the right decision because of the optics, but also the police were outnumbered and they could have sparked off something much worse.

Trump should be charged and convicted, and if Biden has the gall to pardon him, he should go to prison as well. I am so sick of the slim bags on both sides, but it is very clear that those on the Right agree much more with their politicians than those of us on the Left. Establishment Dems are the middle, and there is Bernie, alone out there on the Left of Center.
