MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > So has Daryl not changed his shirt since...

So has Daryl not changed his shirt since they got to Alexandria?

I swear he's been wearing that black buttoned up shirt since they first arrived at Alexandria, not once has he wore a different shirt. Now here in the time jump its 6 years later and he's STILL wearing that fucking shirt, he's wearing the same exact clothes he was wearing when Rick blew up the bridge 6 years ago, jesus christ.

Does this dude just walk around smelling like shit and sweat with mold and gunk on his clothes? He's gotta be the nastiest person on the show, never bathes or changes his clothes.


Evidently not...and he has reverted back to hermit guy.
I was looking forward to Daryl being a changed man that actually speaks in sentences and takes showers and tries to play well with others.


I'm willing to bet Daryl didn't even bathe BEFORE the zombie apocalypse.


He probably reeks of hobo heaven but nobody notices because of the constant decay smell they have to deal with when killing/herding the dead around.


Rick has shaved and cut his hair several times throughout the show. I don't think Daryl has cut his hair once at all.
