MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Why is never snowing on TWD?

Why is never snowing on TWD?

As my memory serves me I've never seen a snow on the show. All I see is some kind of summer season, not even a fall when I think about it thoroughly. I guess Georgia is a state with mild climate (I'm not from USA) but shouldn't it be snowing at least once?

It would be lovely to see them managing to cope with the dead in snowstorm. Or to see if that would slow walkers down and stuff like that. I don't watch GoT, so It's not that I got that idea from there.

But if I missed it, ignore this post.


Why it is never snowing?

Because The Walking Dead has always passed the winter period, it has only been mentioned.

Greg Nicotero says he wouldn't rule out the possibility, that maybe they will one day include the winter.
He also said there were a lot of work associated with using winter on the show - mostly on the walkers. The FX-team would have to manually edit out the breath air from every single walker and adapt freezing effects to the walkers in general.

I don't mind them not using the winter.


''Why it is never snowing?

Because The Walking Dead has always passed the winter period, it has only been mentioned.''

There is no snowing because there is no snowing? :)

What about filming it in the winter, so you don't have to CGI?


I would love to see it snowy. The idiots in charge told us we would at some point.

An intellectual carrot , the mind boggles


I was just thinking the same damn thing the other day. Forget snow, why is it seemingly never cold?


Did it ever snow in 11 seasons?


I think there was a snow storm towards the end of Season 9.


It snowed pretty heavy at the end of season nine when the group had to travel through Whisperer territory despite being warned by Alpha not to!
Shut the door, Mary


That Whisperers plot situation was the worst. Alpha ... who would follow an unbalanced wacko like that, and if they did how long would they live. And the idea of walking with the walkers all day ... what if you are sick, or sneezed ( do walkers sneeze ) or you have to eat or pee or poop. Nothing ever close to real enough to suspect my disbelief ... even if we are talking about immortal zombies that eat brains and can bit off pieces of human skin! ;-)


They had that blizzard with the whisperers ... and oh, this was 6 years ago? Never mind.


Sorry for the necropost to resurrect this one, but since the show has ended I started revisiting some older threads.


Because snowing machines are expensive

