MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Why is never snowing on TWD?

Why is never snowing on TWD?

As my memory serves me I've never seen a snow on the show. All I see is some kind of summer season, not even a fall when I think about it thoroughly. I guess Georgia is a state with mild climate (I'm not from USA) but shouldn't it be snowing at least once?

It would be lovely to see them managing to cope with the dead in snowstorm. Or to see if that would slow walkers down and stuff like that. I don't watch GoT, so It's not that I got that idea from there.

But if I missed it, ignore this post.


It snows occasionally in Northern Georgia and less frequently the more south you go.

But they're not supposed to be in Georgia anymore (even though the show is really filmed there in and around Atlanta) - they're supposed to be in Virginia now near Washington D.C. (Alexandria).

And, they usually see a lot of snow depending on the winter season's prevailing weather patterns.

But, that won't be shown since cold weather/winter/snow scenes and episodes would complicate the show's filming schedule and drive up costs.


They could add it if they cut talking scenes so schedule wouldn't be prolonged.

And for costs - I think the have a lot of money, invest some, we deserve it, don't you think?


Because... Just like it rains in Cali...


In their world, zombie movies and snow don't exist.


Not even zombies anymore hehehe


It's been discussed before.

Al Gore has some shares of AMC and won't allow for any sign that the Earth isn't really warming up.

"I know where I came from—but where did all you zombies come from?"


There's actually fall in every season finale starting with 2. Look at how they're all suddenly wearing heavier clothes and the trees are brownish at the end kd s2. Then the start of season 3 is back to summer. It's like this every time, you can especially see it in 'last day on earth', where the trees are definitely fall colors like orange and red.



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If it's only been about 2 years then how the heck did Carl age so fast and the show be authentic??


They did have snow in the comics that the show is based on and it did freeze the walkers. Pretty cool


They seem to have skipped over the winters. Which is another reason why I think there have been bigger time jumps than we know of and more time has passed since the beginning of the series.

Common belief is around 2 years have passed. I think it's been over three with a few jumps that skipped winter.


It's definitely not been over three years.

Maybe about two although if the writers say one than I'm inclined to believe the people actually in charge.


I want to see it snow I would love to see how they deal with a snow blizzard and their other issues.


In a ZA, time and weather are suspended and life ending injuries to Coral do not exist...


we've seen fall, and to me at least winter was implied twice

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