MovieChat Forums > The Walking Dead (2010) Discussion > Anyone from the IMDb walking dead board ...

Anyone from the IMDb walking dead board here?

Or did they decide not to migrate


Is it me of is this place kind of picking up? Yesterday there was barely anyone, but there's a decent number of people in here now. Not bad after one day after the IMDB shutdown.


I'm from there.


Here! Spreading word of this site now!


Hi, member of IMDb since 1999. Hadn't really commented on a board except for information here and there since 2011, but I still frequently read the boards. Looks like I will be coming here from now on and, to a lesser extent, IMDb.2.


What is this IMDB. 2? I've googled it and nothing comes up!


Sorry about just getting back. That was some upstart that didn't appear to last very long. As far as this site goes, there needs to be some way to direct more traffic. It's the best movie forum available, but it seems the more b-movie oriented boards are vacant.


Yeah...under a different user name. I lurked all over IMDb and posted some for years...mostly on TWD lately. I see some familiar names here..Some are here and some are at the other several boards that resemble IMDb... and I keep getting them mixed up. One will eventually float to the surface for the orphans..I want one with the potential for everything myself..Not just TWD,


no, but i'm here because imdb boards closed, without ever having written on the boards. i'm just a sad read-only non-member ex visitor.


I am and I'm using the same username that I had on imdb because I really like the name.

I'm here to discuss the latest episode of the show. Unfortunately I am very disappointed in this season. It's the worst so far. The dialog seems to be the worst part. Everyone talks like teenagers. The villains aren't scary. And I really didn't think it possible to make zombies less scary but this show has definitely found a way to make zombies not terrifying at all.


"The dialog seems to be the worst part." Ah, yep. How about 3 r olds.."UP UP UP". The actress who said the line said "It was my favorite line." Geez.


I deleted my IMDB account after the board closer and this site seems to be picking up the slack, though there's a couple features that could be added, such as being able to directly reply to a specific comment in a thread, or at least have a quick way to quote someones comment. In regards to walking dead, I liked the most recent episode. The armored/spiked zombie stood out for me.
