timeline update


TLDR, they're ignoring everything but the original, and will follow that like it has a "slightly different ending and is then in an alternate universe."

So I wonder if that means Laurie and Michael won't even be siblings in this? Because if you follow the history enough, that was an afterthought developed for the sequel, there's nothing in the original to command that. Would definitely free up a lot but that would be crazy since that's such a huge part of the mythology.


They've already announced the family plot-line is no longer cannon.


Apparently we are to believe that Halloween 2 one of the only real true sequels we have ever seen that flows perfectly with the original that you could watch both in a row and never know you switched movies isn't canon.

No No this movie made 40 years after the original that is coming off the heels of two that suggests Michael was being molested by Sid Haig while his parents laughed and being made by Danny Mcbride a dude that took part in the complete bastardization of Land of the Lost this is canon


Halloween II isn't perfect by any means, but that's just my personal opinion. If anything, it shot the franchise in the feet by not going the anthology route Carpenter wanted, and by declaring Michael's motive to be his family, which does nothing but tarnish everything we saw in the first one. He could've killed Laurie at any moment, but decides to stalk her, and then spend a majority of the night stalking Annie until he decides to kill her.


I would have followed Annie too she was fine, especially having gone through puberty and my teen years locked up




A lot of people seem to be against the family part being reconnected but I enjoy the first, with Michael Myers not seemingly having any motives.

To me it speaks a lot about violence today. Myers came from what appears to be a normal and even wealthy family. So what made him kill? The rob zombie remakes tried to give him a reason, alcoholic father and a prostitute mam but for me doing this it missed the main thing about Halloween. Can people just be born evil?

People do things that people don't understand and they try to find a reason - e.g. someone killed someone they liked horror films thus the film affected him. People just can't accept people sometimes just do things.
