I turned this crap off after 50 minutes

Those 50 minutes were better than I expected but I just can't accept 100 lb Sofia beating up 200 lb guys in any galaxy. If it was Scarlette Johansson, I could at least enjoy the view but Sofia isn't hot, sorry SIMPS. After her fight scene, Sndyer copies the Star Wars cantina scene, that broke me, I just can't with this crap.


Why did you even try? Had you not seen the trailer? Did the words “Snyder” and “Netflix Original” have no meaning for you? I’m genuinely confused why someone would even have a Netflix streaming account, let alone watch their vapid garbage content.


Fair question. I was bored and gave it a "hate watch" with a hope there may be some decent moments.


I wish I had good news, but the truth is that there will never be decent moments in a Netflix original production. They produce content in the same way that Armour produces Potted Meat. The cheapest, laziest ingredients are manufactured into the cheapest, laziest product. It will always be cash grab garbage, meant to please investors first and viewers last.


I mostly agree, but the rare exceptions are "Stranger Things" and "Cobra Kai".


There is a reason why Sofia Boutella's career didn't happen. Because she can't act and has zero charisma and personality. She has that memorable "bitch face". I do remember her every time I see her somewhere. I actually wished her luck. But she can't do nothing with it.

Here was her chance to prove she can carry a movie. And she failed. She speaks words from script but her eyes are dead and empty. And her face is not moving at all.

No everyone can act.

At first I thought she was some supersoldier with super powers. That's why she thrown those men so easy in trailers. But appearantely not. She was some ordinary girl who was trained to be soldier. Her fight scenes were laughable.


I just can't accept 100 lb Sofia beating up 200 lb guys in any galaxy

Imagine getting angry at a movie because a woman beats a man in a fight. How fragile are you? It's just a movie, watching this won't cause your already miniscule testicles to shrink. Don't worry. You'll be okay. Take a deep breath and repeat "It's just a movie" over and over again until you've calmed down.


Piss off, cuck.


Have you ever wondered why so many people of color (mostly younger generations) as well as individuals who do not conform to gender and sexual binary identification (nothing wrong with that, you do you) have such a disdain as well as racist and sexist view towards white men?
It’s because they are inundated with movies, tv shows, and a plethora of other sources of primarily visual type media, YouTube, TikTok…., that portray white men as loathsome naziesque villains who want nothing more than to subjugate, rape and murder everyone around them.
If you are unable to see the danger, inherent, in this agenda focused industry, well, ignorance is bliss amigo.


I heard it was essentially the same script as some old 80s "Battle from Beyond the Stars" kinda movie. I'll have to re-watch that youtube episode on Nerdrotic. Film Threat was talking about it.
