The beginning was intriguing...

But the moment they moved into pimping business I lost interest.
It's like Frodo arriving to Rivendell and discovering it's a crack-house.


I thought Elrond's palace was also called the Last Homely Crackhouse.


Why is it out already, official date is Oct 2!


>> Frodo arriving to Rivendell and discovering it's a crack-house. <<

Even THAT would be more faithful to LOTR than Encounter with a Turdpile is to Interview with a Vampire.

Unless AMC was in charge of the LOTR "adaptation" and ALSO decided that Frodo would be played 87 year old Donald Sutherland, Gandalf would be played by Chris Rock, Gollum would be played by Regina King... and you're racist if you oppose any of the horrible casting I just mentioned.
