MovieChat Forums > Atlas (2024) Discussion > Will these Netflix AI chatbox movies eve...

Will these Netflix AI chatbox movies eventually overtake hollywood?

Hollywood seems to be ruining on fumes these days creatively, most big theatre movies are sequels, prequels, remakes to retro 80/90s movies and obviously all the superhero movies..with the odd blockbuster from old timers like Spielberg, Scott, Cameron (and relative newcomer Nolan)

But these new Netflix type movies (usually starring The Rock, Gal Gadot and Ryan Reynolds between Deadpools. As well as attracting older 'legacy' stars like Sandra Bullock, Julia Roberts, and now JLo) which are like a mish/mash of various familiar films (obviously fed into a AI chatbox to write the movies) are like a blend between the big Hollywood blockbuster and those cheap stdvd movies the likes of Bruce Willis, Travolta, Cage and others who have fallen on hard times have to do ..

Maybe in a few years when the retro sequels and superheroes have been exhausted these Netflix/AI movies will be all there is..


It's definitely happening! Anyone and everyone can go to the AI chatbox and ask for a detailed movie idea. It literally writes whole screenplays for you, but at least actual human screenwriters are required (for now) to 'clean it up'.

Book publishers are also overwhelmed by the amount of first-time writers submitting whole manuscripts which have clearly been written by AI.


That's what happens when you've watched most of everything and when you put too much content out at the same time, everything eventually becomes brain drained and diluted, much like the Chinese movies.


Obviously. AI is improving fast and will overtake the writers jobs. Not that they are doing some amazing job anyway.


as long as the piggies continue paying to eat at the trough, i'd suggest they do!
