MovieChat Forums > Atlas (2024) Discussion > Great movie, gamers ftw

Great movie, gamers ftw

wow since she aged out of romcoms and went to netflix, JLO's been pumping out bangers

i suggest this plays best with gamers... the entire movie basically plays out like a modern AAA FPS video game:

* you spend most of the time with her story and POV interacting with NPCs
* you get the AI voice character tutorial, the FPS HUD, way points, choice of side mission, collecting dogtags bonus quest, even true 1st person POV Quick Time Event where you are predicting enemy boss's attack pattern
* whenever you're not following JLO is basically when you're watching the cut scenes

..and that doesnt even get into the immediate resemblance to Titanfall. but besides the mechs, these types of stories are all over AAA sci-fi single players

action is sprinkled in with most at the end. i watched the trailer afterward and it seems like the whole movie is going to punch you in face with action.. not exactly the case. a lot of time is spent with our main character like in FPS story downtime. the action is really cool

now that the story is established, for a potential sequel i'd like to see massive mech space battles, betrayal plot twists, love-sex interest -perhaps involving Smith AI, android sci-fi cosplay space orgies.... you know standard sequel gamer stuff 🤷‍♂️🤷‍♀️

oh..i am tempted to meme out a side by side comparison of that AI enhanced meme'd Ella Purnell Fallout flat backshot next to JLO at the end of the movie where she's finally properly suited up with that big latina booty wobbling around like it's the one driving. but that's not fair to Purnell who had no say in the matter... since JLO produced this one, you know she demanded her booty gets a couple of proper scenes with all the right lighting and angles (you get 2). side issue

anyway great watch. JLO and netflix are killin' it. GG 👍


>and that doesnt even get into the immediate resemblance to Titanfall

Don't forget the obvious hints of Warhammer.


interesting.. i've never played warhammer

other games people have been mentioning:
mech commander
armored core
lost planet
detroit become human

i'm gonna check these out some time

also a movie-fied game element i originally overlooked: make-shift mech weapons upgrades!
and a QTE for the scene where atlas shoots the turret to domino-effect destroy the entire enemy army 👍


The game/game series I see the most being mentioned is Mass Effect. In all the Mass Effect Facebook groups I'm a part of, everyone keeps saying how similar the movie is to the games.


What kind of work did you do on this movie?


nope i just play games and have done game development before as a hobby
i can appreciate the unique connection with this movie
(hardcore henry is still my top gamey movie but atlas had some really great elements)

i'm just one of the netflix 28.2 million+ rando viewers
that pushed it to #1 worldwide
and top 10 in 93 countries
in its debut week
that's all 🤷‍♂️


You're hyping it like it was your own.


i disagree


It's trending at the #1 movie spot. The hype isn't misplaced. He's excited because movies like this are few and far between. I'm excited as well and loved it just as much. If you like AI and/or mecha movies, this one's for you.


I don't have Netflix, but I'm thinking to get this movie through other means. It looks similar to Alita, which is an okeish movie to me. But this one is being trashed like no other, I liked the trailer though.


Nah it's a fun movie. Trashing movies is fun nowadays. If it's not Interstellar quality, it get trashed.


Well... I've seen many reviews trashing Interstellar too, so...


Don't watch reviews. They're all about likes and clicks.


in that case go ahead and check it out and just if/when it starts to get boring go ahead and tap out. 👍

Alita had a more thorough character story with the protagonist... i think i'd describe this kind of as a modern version more in the camp of the old fun popcorn action flicks of the 1990s+ like an Armageddon (1998).. straight to the point, point A to point B, buckle in and go.. who even cares if anything makes sense.. fun is the purpose 😄


So many bots everywhere pushing new movies and series. Maybe you're one of them.


You're so dumb. They're not bots, they're people. They're called Shills. No, I'm not one of them. How about you watch the trailer and form your own opinion ?


Typical bot response.


It was extremely enjoyable, very well executed, and fully immersive experience. I didn't think it would be as good as it is. JLO was perfect for the role. It was hilarious watching her run. I just saw it yesterday. I'm definitely gonna re-watch soon. I would be very surprised if it doesn't become a "Most Liked" title.


absolutely. i watched it twice and of course had to check out the mech action scenes a couple more times.. i didnt even realize there are most liked.. very interesting

and of course i had to check back in on the Top10 list released ~yesterday.. very cool that it went up on second week 28.2 million to 31.6 👍 again #1 before it looks like to fade

a movie like this few and far between is exactly a good way to describe it! i like that description. GG


lol - BS
It works like a film - it's just that games these days are starting to resemble films more and more - with a crapload of cutscenes.

I still say this was part of the predictive programming - save the world by joining AI BS -


no i mean it sincerely

yes that's the point. i speak specifically of the AAA games that resemble interactive movies

i consider it a movie-fied game experience. it's the point at which smith comes in to the picture, with the HUD and tutorial dialog that it takes shape.. as someone playing many of those titles you can see quite the resemblance as you interact intimately with smith. the final obvious clue is the QTE with the domino gun blast to take out a bunch of baddies, slow motion targetting HUD ripped straight from AAA game

as soon as she selected to setup smith in english but accidentally hit french i clicked 😆

and hey me i'm not worrying. i dont drink fluoride water .. not only is my frog brain not turning gay, but my mind is not being numbed into submission. all this predictive programming hocus pocus aint working on me at least, bub
