MovieChat Forums > Paint (2023) Discussion > Wondered how long it would take for Holl...

Wondered how long it would take for Hollywood to spoof Bob

Not that I will watch this. (Lifelong fan of Bob Ross. Even tried my hand at painting ... with mixed results)


Bob Ross was such a wholesome person, I dont want to see him made a big joke. I did see a spoof parody on youtube where a guy dressed as Gandalf and painted middle earth with many "Rossisms" like "same ol dirty brush". But seemed more like in good fun, nothing negative about the portrayal.


Yes, he was. Have you ever been to the Bob Ross Experience in Muncie Indiana? My wife and I went in 2021, and let me tell you, I got slight goosebumps walking into the room where Bob had taped so many of those great programs.
If you have gone, you know what I am talking about.
If you haven't gone, it is worth the trip.


Thanks for letting me know about that, I wasnt aware of it. I would like to see where he filmed : )


Not sure why they didn't just to a Bob Ross biopic movie.


Exactly. I didn't even know about this until now.


Maybe the people who manage the 'Bob Ross' brand wouldn't go for it. They're notoriously controlling and litigious.


And greedy..


I started watching Bob Ross on PBS when I was in college during the late 80s/early 90s and still watch him to this day (He comes on Monday thru Friday at 11:30 A.M. on one of the PBS stations here. He was a real gem...gone way too soon.


I love watching Bob Ross paint.


Me too. I kind of wish though that he improved his technique to including man made structures a little more involved than those ramshackle cabins he would throw in and perhaps people or animals/birds.


He did love his cabins!
