Worth watching?

I like Todd Field in Ruby in Paradise and Eyes Wide Shut. He’s a good director but his films are SO depressing. Could only watch In the Bedroom and Little Children once. How does Tar compare?

I see it’s up for Best Picture….


If you thought the other two were worth watching, then Tar is as well. I thought it was better than Little Children, but In the Bedroom might be better. And if you're a CB fan, it's a no-brainer to watch.


Exceptional film, my favourite from Field so far, and Blanchett is on extraordinary form. It’s certainly not for everyone but I’d recommend watching it once, at least. I look forward to seeing it again, which I don’t find with many films these days.


Definitely. It is not for everybody but it expertly made with a great central performance. It is also a film that sits with you long after seeing it and leaves you with a variety of questions.


It's an excellent film. Definitely worth watching.
