
Embarrasingly bad and pointless. Just goes nowhere. Holiday killer reveal is stupid, i bet this shit wasn't in the comics. The whole thing just didn't feel right. Characters have no agency. Shit just kinda happens to them. Just lifeless.
How can these fucking producers take one of the most well known Batman story and screw it up so royally?
I don't think they'll ever recreate "The Dark Knight Returns". Best.Fucking.Adaptation.To.Date.


I'm still going to watch it at some point. I am still waiting for them to adapt Kingdom Come.


Kingdom Come is my all-time #1. I'd love to see it adapted well as a two-parter.


Mine, too. I hope Alex Ross is heavily involved with the animation so it captures the look, too. Apparently, he is also kinda upset this hasn't happened.


Yes, I think the look would be the stumbling block. As good as the story is, I can't imagine it being as iconic with standard-look comic book art.


I struggled through the first one. Now I'm a half-hour in and bored out of my mind. On top of it the animation is on par with those 1980's GI Joe shows.


I just watched the first one. It was interesting... I was busy figuring if it was a close follow-up to Batman Year One, because Bats seems not to have gotten settled in and the story seemed to be setting up another origin for Twoface. But, by the end I was thinking it all seemed way longer (it wasn't long) and way slower than it needed to be. I will watch this one...out of interest, but with limited enthusiasm.
