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What it's like to attend Greg Gutfeld's Gutfeld! taping: "Simply put, Gutfeld can’t tell a joke"

Greg Gutfeld is "by all measures a coastal elite," says Sarah Hagi, who attended a taping of Gutfeld! in October. "He studied English at UC-Berkeley and is now a member of the Chaotic Evil faction of the media elite. But he’s a rarity in that late-night television is dominated by liberal comedians, most of whom spent four years riding on jokes about Trump. It should be Gutfeld’s time to shine, but unlike Stephen Colbert, Seth Meyers, or John Oliver, he doesn’t seem to understand how comedy works on a technical level. Simply put, Gutfeld can’t tell a joke. His jokes ranged from cringe-y to incomprehensible." Hagi adds: "Much of Gutfeld! hinges on the assumption that a conservative audience, or any political audience, needs to be engaged — that they are the underdogs and that all of their beliefs are constantly under threat. But unlike other comedians that draw certain types of conservative audiences — Steven Crowder, Joe Rogan or now Dave Chappelle — Gutfeld! is a watered-down version of the kinds of 'edgy' right-wing beliefs that liberal talking heads would likely sound alarm bells about. Gutfeld’s fans won’t dox or harass his opponents online like those of podcaster Steven Crowder. He’s barely a stepping stone to Q-Anon."


I love Gutfeld. He is the reason I started watching Fox. I never miss his show. But liberals have to at least try to tear him down. Since his show is doing so well.


I'm shocked that liberals are criticizing a conservative comedian. This stuff never happens. I mean, it's not like you ever see conservatives tearing down Jimmy Kimmel or Steven Colbert. You would never see, for example, Ben Shapiro making a video tearing down Colbert and calling him unfunny and laughing at him,right? But, damn those liberals for tearing down Gutfeld, the true victim of Great America! *salutes gutfeld*


I used to watch Kimmel all the time. Until literally every show was the same recycled joke about Trump. That's when I stopped watching.

Colbert has never been funny.


They do at least make jokes about Biden. They made jokes about Obama, too. How often do conservatives make jokes about Trump? (legitimately asking because my guess would be none to a very small amount)


Really? Jokes about Biden? It's about time! The man is a human gaffe machine. But it's way too late to go back to Kimmel. The guy turned into pure wokeness.

Do they still claim Trump LITERALLY colluded with Russia? LOL Do they say the same about Biden? Or are the jokes more innocuous? I'm guessing the latter. Because I watched Kimmel all through Obama. Never a nasty joke. Ever. Just harmless ones.

And I don't know about conservatives making jokes about Trump. Not right now. Because people are realizing how much better Trump was than the idiot Biden.

Do they still compare Trump to Hitler? Orange Hitler!


Sarah Hagi is a Canadian based writer of fluff living in Toronto and a black Muslim woman. Why should any American give a rat's ass about any of her opinions about an American late night TV show that focuses on American politics? She's not going to get any of the jokes, since she does not live in the USA, is not exposed to the daily and quirks of US news and politics.

Blame Canada! Wear your burqa proudly, Sarah, or the mullah's will cut off your hand.
