MovieChat Forums > Lift (2024) Discussion > Another background noise movie

Another background noise movie

Netflix original movies seem to be good for one thing nowadays (well for a while now), and that's "background noise".

Stuff people leave in the background while working or doing chores & stuff.

They attach big name stars to 'em to entice people but they're some of the most mediocre & forgettable movies ever made.


Yeah totally agree, movies are not what they used to be, biggest thing for me is the laziness, on location shooting is a forgotten art. Green screen the location is too easy and it’s obvious when it’s done.
Take for example die hard with a vengeance, coming to America and home alone 2, When I watch these movies I know I’m in New York. When I watch the avengers…. Nope… green screen


Absolutely spot on.

Watching a lot of older films gives an appreciation for the time and dedication put into making them feel grounded and real. Die Hard With A Vengeance really is a one-of-a-kind for this kind for this kind of filmmaking just because of how much larger-than-life it feels yet always feels grounded. I think about that film a lot and that's a large reason why (the first Speed fits into that category as well).


I totally forgot about speed! Yes that’s defo a well filmed on location movie. I’m steering a lot toward 70’s movies as well lately. Those gritty street movies like Serpico, French connection and mean streets. On location filming, nothing like seeing an actors breath visible in a cold set scene to bring you into it


The Seven-Ups is another awesome one that is shot on location and is crazy. The ending sequence looks perfect in all its hideous glory.

Also, the original Italian Job is worth checking out for its on-location shots as well, the entire heist sequence -- which actually involved some guerrilla filming of a real-life traffic jam for the film -- is brilliant stuff. It absolutely runs massive circles around the remake.

Another one is The Day of the Jackal. It's a globe-trotting affair that really feels larger than life. I don't think they could ever make another movie like that again without it having an astronomical budget.

But yeah, you're definitely right to check out a lot of films made in the 1970s because they definitely feel large and in-charge when it comes to scene immersion and set diversity.


Not all of them are like that. But a good chunk of them are like that. This one is no exception.


There are some. But there are far & few between them.

And it's always the mediocre ones that get the majority of the marketing.

You'll barely hear anything about the good ones. Unless of course they "go viral" or something


I was surprised to find how much I genuinely enjoyed the vampire one they did with Jamie Foxx.


That was hella fun. The only negative thing I'd say about it is, the climax was weak.

Everything else was super entertaining tho. Especially the house fight featuring Scott Adkins. That was so good!


Yeah, I agree. It had some of the usual issues I notice with Netflix original films. Pacing is a bit off and the lighting is overly bright. But I had a good time.


With all the shite that Netflix green lights left & right, wish we got a sequel to Day Shift.

I'm such a sucker for "good ol' fashion" vampire hunting movies!


I dont get the "movie as background noise" thing .

I'd rather just put music on , or ideally radio talk / comedy that i can fully follow while working or doing chores & stuff.
