
how many vehicles can you watch flip over?


I know what you mean. Same can be said for many other movies., it gets boring quickly. But sells the tickets.

I've always wanted to see a return to MFP days. a series of movies following Max back in his police days as the gangs started to form. A lot of backstory is in the Mad Max novel.


I would just like more info on the world that Max lives in. What is the structure? Are there laws? How does anyone survive? Seems like most are starving and the rest are blood thirsty murderers. And the mountainous bike riding group? Who are they? Aside from Immortan Joe how many other factions are there in this world?


I'd like to see that too, but I'd like it to start with the world of the first movie which seemed to have a level of normality before the world turned to shit. They were going on picnics, eating in roadside diners, there were highway patrol forces dealing with gangs. Those gangs clearly evolved into the villains of the later movies. I'd like to see that transformation and how Max became who he is and how he keeps his car going and how he got the dog, etc.


At some point, we need a backstory, rather than more of the same. Finding out how things deteriorated and how law and order (and the government and military) collapsed would be very compelling.


They tried that with #3 - move the story on , see how the world further plunges into stone age as the last gasoline is used up.

people just went "This is shit where all the V8s gone?"


its like fast films I noticed there was an actor from them in this when I read the cast on imdb


Yes, I had this criticism too. I feel they should have had more cool-down scenes where they talked and slowed down the action. The chasing, shooting, flipping, killing seemed to overwhelm without the breaks
