MovieChat Forums > Emergency (2022) Discussion > Hard to watch superbad remake

Hard to watch superbad remake

This movie was just really frustrating to watch because the characters make really bad decisions. This movie could have been good.

The story reminds me of superbad, just not as funny.


yes, it was mega frustrating watching stupid decisions that nudged the plot along


If I was watching it by myself I probably would have turned it off. It got a little bit better after the girls sister and her friends realised the main characters weren't accctually kidnapping her (even though they kinda were). If was very hard to have any sympathy for the main 3 guys, they were just so dumb.


it's sending a woke message of what it's like to be black in America.


By qualifying the word "message" with the adjective "woke" you mean what exactly re the treatment of blacks in America--that the discrimination they have endured for centuries is all liberal hype? It sounds like you really do believe in a perfect, lily-white American history. Your kind are going to be replaced, sooner than you think!


Okay I am solidly distrustful of cops and am well aware of the shit they will pull when it comes to minorities, but there's a reason the NWA song is called "Fuck tha Police" and not fuck tha paramedics.

Calling 911 because a college student drank too much is likely not going to result in a trigger happy cop kicking the door down. It will bring an ambulance and at worst some easily answerable questions. On the other hand, riding around with a passed out underage white girl is infinitely more dangerous. Not to mention if she had died while they were fucking around, it's a manslaughter charge, and they sure as shit would get the maximum sentence.


This movie is way better than Superbad.


Hard disagree.
