Episode V

I do not understand the issue with Anakin in this "timeline". Sometimes is Anakin speaking with Ahsoka as her Jedi Master and a couple of seconds later is Anakin the Sith Lord.


There was still some good left in Anakin, which is why he acts this way. Did Palpatine show up in any way in this series


It was a dream.


The World between Worlds is a place where things can change constantly. It's an exploration of different concepts, ideas and characters.

It's a place of learning and where information is shared for the characters who are in that place. It's a spirit world, so anything goes, really.


Very much a cartoon concept which translates poorly to the (non) silver screen.

Rubbish like this and the Mortis story belong fully left in the cartoons. However Filoni is good to do all he can to shoe-horn this nonsense into "live action" and this attempt to self-legitimise his cartoon stories.

Don't get me wrong, they've done some good stuff with this series but we should not be seeing space whales in a real Star Wars show...
