MovieChat Forums > The Dark Knight Rises (2012) Discussion > "there's a storm coming" comment falls f...

"there's a storm coming" comment falls flat...

I like Nolan. He's a decent writer, most of his films are successful.

But this line seems to setup something really cool, but is never referenced again. Unless I missed a connection to the rest of it?

Cat women: "You think all this can last? There's a storm coming, Mr. Wayne. You and your friends better batten down the hatches. Cause when it hits, you're all gonna wonder how you ever thought you could live so large, and leave so little for the rest of us."

Well written dialog, interesting, makes a cool point like it is setting up what is happening next, but it never felt like that is what was happening in the rest of the film.
Is it me? Was Bane and all that about the little people striking back? Just seemed like basic bad guy stuff to me, with some revenge motivation.


I think the people Bane conscripted thought that's what he was up to. Well, people like Catwoman, not necessarily his closer teams.


i get that he gathered street people for his plans and all, but i never felt like they were headed in a direction to pay off what she was saying. they kinda did some bad things, but never seemed like it was "HEY! We poor are taking down the rich!" Seemed like it was just "Lets wreck the city". Maybe my perception is just wrong?


I think it would be incredibly easy for clever, manipulative cult leader-types like Bane to convince people (even smart people) that stuff like smashing and burning was righteous political activism.


I think it would be incredibly easy for clever, manipulative cult leader-types like Bane to convince people (even smart people) that stuff like smashing and burning was righteous political activism.

We'd have to be able to understand more than 1/8 of what he's saying first


"Uv coaurshe!"


ha! I totally heard that voice in my head


Catwoman was a Left Winger - she felt envy and resentment toward successful people and tried to channel that into righteous political activism to justify her criminal activity. She knew she wasn’t alone in her feelings, that the mood music that breeds violence was growing and gleefully ‘warned’ Wayne of it.

This then combines with the arrival of full blown Communist Bane, who stokes these feelings into a violent ‘revolution’ in which the criminals take over.

Catwoman is revealed to have been an idiot all along as Bane, like all Communists, promised ‘equality’ only to horde power and reveal himself to be a bloodthirsty tyrant. The shot of her looking out of the window at the chaos she thought she craved but has just led to mass ruin and death is priceless.

Nolan, a conservative, finally has her learn to stop being a purely selfish bitch and take a degree of responsibility at the end when she helps out Batman and kills Bane, just as any Russian would happily have taken out Stalin once Soviet Communism had laid waste to their country.

How Nolan smuggled this exposé of Leftism through Hollywood remains a mystery. I doubt he’d have such luck today.


Yeah, the only thing that could have made it better, would have been if they had actually called Bane's people Marxist revolutionaries, instead of mercs, because that is what they clearly were.

Those show trials, pure marxist oppression.


