MovieChat Forums > Wednesday (2022) Discussion > Thing's Origin Story.

Thing's Origin Story.

I hope they never tell it, but I was thinking about it at work yesterday. Anyone have any theories or head cannon they want to share?

I have two, but will wait till others chime in. Becuase mine are too good and I don't want to discourage others from contributing, lol.


The only thing I'd like to know about Thing is how he's able to see.


I'd like to think The Thing is the mummified hand from Egypt a couple millennia ago was inchanted and locked into a pharaohs tomb and eventually found by one of the distant forefather relatives of the Addams family


Not bad. I like it.


thanks 😄


My child suggested that Thing comes from Frankensteing's Monster. Both of these ideas have good thematic world building, imo.


Oooh I like that too!


I'll tell her you said that.


thanks :)


That fits too. Cause this Thing is all sewed together.


I've always liked to think it's the severed hand of Rasputin.


Mmm, I like it. Hints that the other one could be out there too....

OK, here is MINE.

Thing is the surviving hand of Tyr, Norse God who put his hand in Fenir's mouth and had it bitten off.

Turns out the godly hand, was able to resist being digested and perhaps fought the beast's stomach, being either vomited up, or shit out, and escaped and wandered the world till being found by a spanish family, that revered it, and eventually accepted it as part of their family, perhaps never knowing it's history or forgetting it with time.


I heard it was GOTs Brienne of Tarth (now Principal Weems) that kept Jaime Lannisters severed hand and gifted it to the Addams Family who brought it back to life becoming Thing!


Mmm, crossover? Based on the actress being in both shows? Excellent basis.


Love to have an origin story about Thing. A spinnoff show. They got to do it. The promotional video for Wednesday on YouTube is fantastic, they just used a remote controlled robotic hand and filmed it moving around a city interacting with people. Awesome.


Honestly I feel so sorry to the guy.

Like he had a body and life one day. And now he is just a hand.
