MovieChat Forums > Napoleon (2023) Discussion > REMAKE IT. Make Napoleon black and gay!

REMAKE IT. Make Napoleon black and gay!

This is totally offensive! It's 2023 and you're casting a WHITE GUY as Napoleon?

COME ON! I know Napoleon was white but, it's 2023! Hello!!

How about Denzel Washington, Orlando Jones? Were they unavailable?

This is just insulting.. I would like to see the Denzel Washinton Napoleon movie, and Forest Whitaker as Winston Churchill. I am officially boycotting hollywood , it's all racist whitewashing of roles that could go to great black performers.


True history shows that Napoleon was black, homosexual and Islamic!


And a woman!


Don't misgender him (or her) and use erroneous pronouns -- it's hate speech!!!


He was non-binary!!! He apparently was a disabled, one-eyed, black, gay, lesbian, Hispanic, Asian, afro-Caribbean non-binary female-man-thing!!! WITH ONE QUARTER IRISH IN EEM!!!


And make it fucking lame!



what the hell were they thinking?
Your replacement idea sounds just exactly what movie going audience's want and expect in cinema today. Give them what they want and make bank!!!


I thought Joaquin was black. lol


No, Joaquin just thinks he's black. He also THINKS he's a good actor.


They could have at least had Josephine cheating on Napoleon with a black guy. At least there would have been some realistic wokeness in there. Especially if the black guy also did the *slap slap slap slap slap* jack rabbit-style mating that Napoleon did.


Only Joaquin Pheonix has an ego big enough that he needs a Napoleon movie to fill it where HE plays Napoleon.


And a female and lame!!
