It's a great movie

If you want a romantic comedy instead of a historical epic. Nothing like the trailer made it look.


Sounds like ass


The early reviews are calling it a “Snoozefest”. How can this be? Well they DO string together all of the interesting scenes in a trailer to make a film look good. Why should it be any exception to this? It’s criticisms from what I read are it’s pacing & it’s focus on his relationship with Josephine.


Dammit, Ridley Scott needs to either fire his editor or actually hire an editor. People had the same complaints about 'House of Gucci'.


I just got home from seeing it and enjoyed it quite a bit. It's 2 1/2 hours long and I was never bored once. The response from those who are negative on that film is baffling to me.

It is not the definitive cradle-to-grave biopic bit it was never meant to be. If you go into it expecting Ridley semi-fictional take on the character, with a heavy (but not overwhelming) emphasis on Napoleon's relationship with Josephine, then you should have a good time.
