Canadian accent?

I couldn't "remember" where Dahmer was from when this first started, and I thought maybe it was in Canada, due to the accent the actor uses.

Do some Wisconsin people have an accent like that?

Sounds like Canadian Maritimes accent.


He REALLY did sound Canadian in real life. Listen to the real Dahmer talk. 100% Canadian sounding.


Saying "he sounded Canadian" is like saying "he sounded American" though.
It doesn't make sense lol. It depends on where in Canada (or the US) you're from.

As a Canadian, I know there are people who sound like that (mostly up North). I've personally never heard it though.


I think a lot of people in the northern states that border with Canada do have those accents lol


I don't think it sounds like a Maritimes accent personally. I think it seems more like an accent you'd hear in/around the Prairies.
