First Episode

A poor lead.

Too much pointless blood and guts. And did I really need to see a tiny woman holding on to a cock (especially when The Boys already did that).

Plus the shrinking girl talking about having threesomes. Is this really how shitty American culture has become? I mean I get that it's set in an alternative reality where everyone is a cunt but seriously.

The ending did surprise me though. But I suspect they'll spoil it by bringing Golden Boy back.


I also think they overdid it a bit, but I guess they wanted it to make more shocking, interesting.


So they're basically just going with the excessive gore and weird sex fetish themes of the parent show ?
I'll pass.


Exactly, this show sucks.


Episode four and five.

More gratuitous sex and violence. That's fine when there's an arc or something but in this show it's just pointless Degrasse Junior High shit. I don't need to see more sex and drugs and weird shit.

Tell a fucking story.

You need more than R rated crap.

Oh and killing people is fine but sexual harassment is like, totally crossing the line. The fuck is the Yank woke shit? 'Gender's just a construct.' Oh do fucking grow up America.


I was going to wait until all the episodes are out and then binge watch this over a weekend, but I gave in and watched the first episode. I thought it was great. Violent, funny and twisted. Looks like this will be just as good as The Boys.


I just finished the last episode. Awesome show! It just sucks that there's a long wait before season 2. Luckily The Boys will be back soon.
