Top 5 Scorsese Film?

I've been rewatching this a few times recently and wow, I love this film even more now and it's also much better than I remember it being when I first saw it. I thought it was great the first time I saw it but I didn't think it had that much of a rewatch value as Scorsese's previous films. Wow was I wrong. After a few recent rewatches, I have just became obsessed with this film and I think it's one of the best gangster epics ever as well as becoming a top 5 Scorsese film for me.


1. Goodfellas
2. Taxi Driver
3. The Wolf Of Wall Street
4. The Departed
5. The Irishman

Honorable Mention: Raging Bull

Other Scorsese films I’ve seen but didn’t think much of: Casino, Cape Fear, Mean Street


Your top 5 is nearly the same as mines. Nice. I actually rank The Irishman as number 4 and The Departed as number 5, but still a valid list for sure.

Loved Raging Bull. Casino I thought was good but nothing spectacular. Same with Cape Fear and I actually loved Mean Streets quite a bit but couldn't crack my top 5.


Yes the man has had so many great movies and I respect your opinion about Mean Streets. I may have to see it again as I only saw it once. BTW have you ever seen Boogie Nights? The whole thing feels like a Scorsese film about porn and even the last scene had a no so subtle tribute to Raging Bull.


Yeah for sure. Scorsese is an icon and personally my favorite director.

Yeah Mean Streets isn't for everyone. I definitely have my flaws with it but overall I find it very enjoyable. And yes I have seen Boogie Nights and I can definitely see your analogy between Scorsese's style. I also have noticed that Raging Bull nod at the end.

I was just curious to see who else really appreciates The Irishman as much as me because I feel like the film just gets so many unnecessary complaints for minor nitpicks such as the length and the de-aging.


I absolutely loved the Irishman, and it was my favorite film of 2019. The deaging did not bother me at all nor did the length, heck The Godfather Part II was just as long and I don’t see anyone complaining about justice League being 4 hours.


Yeah it was definitely my favorite of 2019 as well and honestly shouldlve won best picture even though I loved Parasite.

Godfather 2 is a masterpiece and it deserved it's similar length to The Irishman. Also yeah crazy how everyone thinks a 4 hr Justice League film is the best thing ever while we also see complaints from that similar audience who say The Irishman is too long.


1. The Aviator
2. Shutter Island
3. Taxi Driver
4. Cape Fear
5. Goodfellas

I have not seen The Irishman yet.


The Aviator I thought was decent but overrated in my opinion. Shutter Island was pretty good but not a top 5 in my opinion. Cape Fear and Goodfellas are fantastic.

I strongly recommend The Irishman. It was the best of 2019 in my opinion and just top teir Scorsese in my opinion.


Well, I will admit I might be a bit someone with OCD, I find Howard Hughes story fascinating.


Yeah that makes sense then why you would love it since you were always intrigued with Hughes story in the first place. I was never to familiar with him so probably that's why I was never too big on the film but I completely see why you love it very much.


1. GoodFellas
2. Taxi Driver
3. The Departed
4. Cape Fear
5. Casino


Great list, although I'm not too crazy about Casino and would replace it's ranking with The Irishman. Also liked cape fear but didn't quite crack my top 5.


I vacillated between Irishman, Casino, and Raging Bull. In the end I went with replayability. I've seen Casino a few times, but Raging Bull and Irishman only twice.

Cape Fear is so well directed. The intensity and uncomfortableness I felt throughout the thing was awesome.


Yeah I definitely see where your coming from in regards to a bigger re-watch value. I will admit when I first saw The Irishman, I thought it was great but didn't see my self rewatching it that much but honestly after just another rewatch, my perspective changed quite a bit and I've been watching it multiple times recently.

I can see where your coming from with Cape Fear. It does have that tension I want from a film but it didn't really stick with me as much as Scorsese's other films.


1. Silence - underrated and underviewed, Scorsese's work is personal and uncomfortable to watch for the best reasons. This film was robbed at award season. I'm not saying it should have won everything necessarily, but it wasn't even on the list of Best Pictures at the Academy Awards - and they had a free slot! Not to mention the terrific cast! I just sat in, yes, silence, as the credits rolled on this one. I couldn't move. I had already been moved so much.

2. Raging Bull - a near-perfect classic Scorsese, plus it just bleeds with the kind of poignancy that comes from a true-life-story done *right*.

3. Gangs of New York - another dark horse for me, but I love this picture. Daniel Day Lewis is as good as he gets, the atmosphere is perfect, the blend of the historical with the dramatic is done so well, and it's just awesome to drink in.

4. Taxi Driver - my favourite for a long time. I still think it's wonderful, but it's just not quite as great as the others - high bar.

5. The Irishman - narrowly edging out The Departed, I think largely because I feel more "humanity" off of this one, especially with the third act showing us the end of De Niro's character's story.

If I went No.s 6 and 7, they'd be The Departed and Mean Streets, in that order.
