Direct to Video

Honestly, if it weren't for Christina Hendricks being top billed in this movie, or for the one brief moment of tension at the pool, this movie legitimately would've gone straight to video. I mean, no offense to the other three main actors involved, but none of them really had starring roles in a feature film like this before, or at least for a while. And some of their acting belongs on TV or in direct to video releases. The movie not only feels like a Direct to Video film, but its shot like one too. From what I've heard, even the director's previous film, 47 Meters Down, was shot almost the exact same way.


Except 47 meters down had lots of tension this literally looked like it had a budget of like 1,000


I zoned out after the woman with the massive jugs got killed.


It was wrong to kill her off as the movie went downhill quickly. There really wasn't any story beyond that.


Even with Christina Hendricks it still deserves(ed) to go DTV. She's never going to show her boobs (especially at her age now) so she's not really a draw.

I found it strange that a sequel would be made to a film ten years after the first film, which isn't exactly "striking while the iron is hot" by any means. But then it occurred to me that the people behind this film were wise to wait this long to make a sequel--they wanted enough time to pass so a new generation would come along who hadn't seen the first film and wouldn't know how badly it sucked.


Video? Grandad


Elvis? Lol
