MovieChat Forums > Bad Teacher (2011) Discussion > How are you not outraged?

How are you not outraged?

So, I don't know what was worse about this movie - the fact that the "teacher" got away with treating everyone like garbage, the terrible things these children were exposed to, the corrupt teachers (all of them), or the fact that the drug abusing teacher gets away with everything in the end.

1. How was she not reported? She was a foul ***** to everyone - funny for the first 2 seconds, but got real old real fast.

2. The stuff this woman exposed those children to - her drug abuse, the movie watching instead of doing actually homework, and finally cheating in the end - she ruined everyone of those children.

3. Teachers smoking pot in the gym. Everyone of those people were trash. The only decent teacher is rewarded with - what's this? - she's framed for being a drug user! How funny! So funny I forgot to laugh.

4. So, in the end, she gets away with everything. The decent teacher is sent to a terrible school. And everyone lives happily ever after. She continues to be a snob. Without the proper rehab she will continue to be a drug user. And those children will suffer.

Um... is this supposed to be a comedy? Because it isn't funny at all. How can any parent of any public school attending children be amused by this? This is a shame. It should have never been made into a movie.

It is a sad portrayal of the public school system. I hope this isn't how public schools really are nowadays...? If this was a male teacher abusing little girls, would it still be funny?

I think the people who made this film should be ashamed of themselves. I think the public education system should pull out a lawsuit for this. Is this really what America is all about now? If the teachers are corrupt, what chance do your children have?


If you are dumb enough or lazy enough to leave your kids in public school, you get what you deserve.

...and the fact that you are "outraged" by a movie tells me that you are the product of a public school education yourself.


It is a sad portrayal of the public school system. I hope this isn't how public schools really are nowadays...? If this was a male teacher abusing little girls, would it still be funny?

Yes, Bad Teacher is actually a documentary. After Cameron Diaz became horribly disfigured due to going face-first through a windshield she was forced to give up her glamorous acting career and took a job teaching public school 7th graders so she could afford to get a boob job and find a husband. It is truly a cautionary tale for our time, always wear your seatbelt!


Wow bats6767, you just made my day!


Lol, wow you must be a real hoot at parties. And fyi, TONS of teachers smoke pot. They just do it on their own time. Nothing wrong with that.


In answer to your question, I'm not outraged because I went into this knowing it purported to be comedy, fiction and fun, with the added bonus of Diaz looking nice nearly all the time (I mean, why do you think she even gets work in movies?).

It basically met all of my expectations. I don't rate it as a cinematic masterpiece and might never watch it again. That's the point.

Movies such as this are like a Big Mac and fries: cheap, enjoyable and easily forgotten.

It's nothing to be outraged about.


I am not outraged because this movie does not pretend to make ant sort of moral stance.

Also, the one positive thing you can say about Cameron's character is that she is consistent all the way through. She is selfish from start to finish. It is just that her priorities change. But at no point doe we ever feel she has become a good person.

It is not like Liar Liar where we are supposed to be happy that the nice guy gets screwed by the protagonist just because the latter is a smart-ass wacko.


I thought the whole thing was fairly funny, it was outrageous, but the ending.... what? The tone of the movie's ending implies that the audience was supposed to LIKE her. I spent the entire movie laughing at all the goofy events - but the entire time I was waiting for her to burn at the end - and it didn't happen. Pretty disappointing. The movie trolled us.


People are not enraged, because unlike you we know that a) this is a movie and b) life is not fair.

Applied Science? All science is applied. Eventually.


I love the idea that you think teachers aren't corrupt. Seriously. It's charming that you actually think teachers are morally upright, fair-minded, honorable, and decent. I graduated from high school almost twenty years ago and in my entire school career, kindergarten through graduation, I think I had maybe four or five teachers who were actually good people who cared about their students, rather than just being immature power-mad bullies who did everything they could to suck up to the "popular" kids. My school years from sixth grade to about eleventh were pretty hellish, made worse by teachers who were rude, dismissive, cruel, intolerant, and downright abusive. And these were "good" schools in middle-class areas.

Here's a secret: teachers actually make fairly decent money--teachers at my school in 1991 threatened to strike because their base starting salary wasn't going to be raised above $35k/year (and again, 1991)--and the benefits they get from the teachers' union (alluded to several times in the film) are pretty amazing: not only is it very difficult to fire a teacher, they get special superlow credit/mortgage/loan rates (and automatic acceptance), great insurance, legal aid, discounts all over the place...nobody ever mentions that stuff but it's worth an awful lot of money and adds a good $20-30k in benefits to their annual salary packages. I used to work for the credit card company that handled the teachers' union's credit cards, and trust me, they all had amazing credit lines and lower rates than anyone else, and the list of extra discounts etc. was over a page long. Not to mention all the paid holiday time. I can see the point that it's an important job, and not an easy one, but you know, it's hardly the hardest or worst job in the world, either. Being a garbageman is also incredibly important, and a much tougher job, but nobody insists they're horribly underpaid and gets all self-righteous about it.

And as to your point about a male teacher abusing little girls...what child was actually abused in the film? A couple of kids were hit by balls, just like they would be in a game of dodgeball played in schools all the time, or if they fail to duck or catch the ball in kickball or any number of other games.

Like I said, I'm not arguing with you necessarily, I'm just saying I honestly think it's sweet that you think teachers are good people. Because teachers are just like everybody else: a few of them are very good, but most of them are pretty scummy.

I'm new, please be kind!


I thought the film was funny, and irreverent. I don't object to irreverant films. Some people apparently do.


I agree. I thought it was pretty funny.

I'm new, please be kind!


I'm with you on this one. Theater was full of teen's who laughed their heads off. Maybe this is the way school is today. Anyway, I walked out. And don't give me "it's just a movie" either.
