Seven deadly sins

Read a post where a person used the word sloth
Interesting for in discussion I raised the idea that each character was a portrayal of a sin
Sorry for the crossover
Greed, survivalist, not willing to share
Envy, mother, hated everyone for no good reason
Lust, son, only thought of his sexual drive
Pride, house owner, thought he knew everything
Sloth, father, didn't do anything to make the situation better
Wrath, daughter, angry at everyone and everything
Gluttony, young daughter, only interested in fulfilling her own wants

And we audience are the Spanish speaking person asking for help in a language our possible helper can not understand, we doom ourselves by having all these sins which we will not help ourselves to overcome
We are the architects of our own demise.
Great film
And we all end up watching Friends in our own mind, a time and place which could never exist.



I thought the house owner was quite humble


"I raised the idea that each character was a portrayal of a sin"

This time I'll generously take you at your word.
Means, I won't check who said that somewhere else 2-3 weeks ago.

But you need a slightly better punctuation (periods).


Well said, in a poetic format, to boot!
(To counter the guy who criticized your lack of punctuation)

I thought of poetry, too. The film - and movie world - ends as T.S. Eliot predicted the world would: "Not with a bang, but a whimper."


If you think too hard then you will find the seven sins in every movie. Doesn't explain all the crap still.

The survivalist knows what's coming, the stock broker (or whatever the heck he was) could see it. But no, leave the audience behind guys, don't tell us anything.
