MovieChat Forums > 2022 FIFA World Cup Qatar (2022) Discussion > If all the teams except them decided to ...

If all the teams except them decided to boycott...

... it would be a Qatar solo.


It should have been Australia. The weather would be perfect(winters there are balmy), the fans and people very welcoming and friendly(Sydney Olympics were a stunning success and most foreigners commented how friendly the Australians were), and Australia at least has a history/tradition of football.

Qatar? Stadiums built by slave labor, Human rights abuses, alcohol heavily restricted, weak team that won’t make it out of the group....unless they’re given a very rigged and easy group and women must cover up.

FIFA lost their heads and gave the World Cup to a country that is Taliban-lite. All because Sepp Blatter(Septic Bladder) and Michel Platini got so greedy it clouded their judgement.

Qatar should have had their host status revoked after Blatter and Platini were ousted.


The fact that they had to move the games to Christmastime should have been an automatic pass.


Absolutely. And June-July in Australia is winter like South Africa in major heat concerns. The players would be less fatigued, which would equal better play.

I gather it’s still pretty hot in Qatar in November-December. If they wanted the World Cup to be hosted by a Muslim country(one of the excuses they’ve used) for the first time....they could have gone with a country that has some tradition of Turkey. And it wouldn’t be some crypto theocracy...Mad dog Erdogan Notwithstanding.


They had to install cooling vents on the side boards to compensate for the excessive heat. Definition of corruption if they have to mask all their problems hosting.


I hope for Australia/New Zealand in 2030 or the following years. I would also like a World Cup in China and one in England.


It will be a different World Cup,for once thats ok. But i'm glad that for Usa/Canada/Mexico 2026 they will return in June.


How can you give it a pass that easily "for once that's ok". Slave labour is ok? People dying left and right to build these stadiums is ok? Qatar doesn't even know what is football.
Backwards country that restricts basic human freedom.

Moving it to winter for once is ok, all the rest is totally not ok. This world cup should never happen.


Yeah i was talking about the winter. By the way i dont trust western media when they talk about different powers than them.


you sound like a Qatari.


it would be a political gesture and that never happens. also, too much money at stake.
