MovieChat Forums > Fallout (2024) Discussion > Bethesda Games Studios did NOT create Fa...

Bethesda Games Studios did NOT create Fallout

They merely bought the IP from Interplay the game franchise was created by Black Isle Studios and was the brainchild of Tim Cain. Bethesda bought the IP and even though Fallout 3 was quite good they have shat on the Fallout lore retconning things left and right. I think people should know the truth.


Yeah, you can check out the link below on a really good, and pretty detailed breakdown on all the ways Bethesda got it wrong.


This article is super biased. I'm not fan of Bethesda's games but throughout the years I learned to appreciate Fallout 3 . I still can't digest Fallout 4 and even requested a refund after few hours of play, but I'm going to give it another chance.

The only major way in which the show fucks up the lore from the non-Bethesda games is the nuking of Shady Sands, which makes no sense in the context of Fallout: NV. People are already trying to give it another spin - "the fall of Shady Sands in 2277" supposedly does not mean that this is the year they nuked it, but it happened some years later. Hopefully future lore additions will straighten out the story.


>The only major way in which the show fucks up the lore from the non-Bethesda games is the nuking of Shady
you've got to be shitting me. the only way? why don't we start with why the nukes were dropped in the first place. the entire premise of the show retconns any and everything in the universe.

as the article says, F1 was written by 90's folks imagining what 50's would imagine 2050 would be and its following dystopia of 22nd century.

Bethesda doesn't know how to make games (anymore). Seems like making games is a young man's game.

Watch all the fandom-pedia Stasis re-write all the articles to fit the new narrative and everyone like you gobbling it up.

They wanted their cake and it eat too. You either have a vision or you don't.
They should've honored the source material and the time this franchise was created in by putting up disclaimers or not touch it at all.

Additionally this could've been another great reminder why nuking shouldn't be the solution to current-day problems. you know, like actual science fiction. explore potentially uncomfortable topics. it's slop and it seems I was right


You misread it. The guys from the 90s did not try to imagine the future. The picked up some tropes they thought would fit their game. The main trope being retrofuturism from the 50s (nuclear powered cars, etc), drenched in streamline art deco. The article complains that there is less of that and yet it shows a picture of a retro diner. Not to mention that the 50s vibe is so obvious in the show. This is just one of the places were this extremely biased and opinionated article contradicts itself.

The Bethesda haters are nitpicking so much, that they are ignoring how Bethesda puts under the question the lore they created. You mentioned the start of the war. Well, that is mainly exposed by the Bethesda games. We didn't know about the corporate cabal, but since this is a conspiracy, it make sense to never heard about it before. Now we know more details. Since we have a rough timeline of the events in the Fallout universe, they could spin it however they like by adding new elements.

But, tbh, it is too obvious to me how they wanted to avoid censorship in China and were talking about "some evil communists" and "evil Americans corporations causing the war", even showed some USSR memorabilia, but USSR is not important in Fallout universe. Probably people who never played the games would be left with the impression from the show that USSR bombed USA.


>The article complains that there is less of that and yet it

no. watch the video. He complains that there are 50's tropes still in 22nd century, he even contrasts this to New Vegas. like there had been no evolution. So they took the retrofuturism literally and they skipped the aftermath lore-wise, New Vegas didn't.

11:00 Rewatching the video, bethesda should've done Judge Dredd.

The author complains there was no imagination at work, just copypasta.


Ok, I watched it and apparently this guy doesn't understand Fallout, and I would say that he is crazy, because he also claims that the original creators don't understand Fallout (because he is critical of Obsidian's game). And yes, there are gangster with Tommy guns in the original game, there are leather jacket clad gangsters as well and some in suits too. And no, not every settlement is tidy like Shady Sands - see New Reno and The Den. You could also blame Fallout 2 for lack of creativity, because it is like Fallout 1 but on a bigger scale. If they have not brought the factions and monsters from West coast, the same guy would blame Bethesda for retconing the old games - it is not possible to please a hater.

The original creators of Fallout are some of the most talented game devs. Would be hard to be on their level, but Bethesda did not failed either.


To me they did fail, big time.


well, who knew:
"Meanwhile, Vault-Tec had been scheming with other corporations such as RobCo and Big MT to finance their Vaults and firmly establish a monopoly. To this end, they offered to initiate a nuclear blast to kick off the Great War so as to ensure their investment would pay off, and eventually their experiments and individuals within the vaults would be able to take control of the surface.[9] However, it is left unclear whether they ultimately went through with this plan. "

check what the source for annotation [9] is.

In either case, there was a conflict with a foreign territory, but I don't feel like rewatching the show. Maybe someone will do a video with any retcons, if there are any at all.

Let's see what season 2 will bring.
In hindsight maybe they are low-key targeting Blackrock and the money they manage, like pension funds and mortgage securities while buying up houses left and right and leaving them empty.


I don't think the article is "biased." I think he makes some extremely valid points. That doesn't mean he doesn't enjoy the game. Hell, I agree almost 100% with the article, and I enjoy Fallout 3, New Vegas, and 4, and I've probably played far more hours of these games, especially Fallout 4, than I ever did of Fallout 1 and 2.

That said, I do think that the original creators at Interplay and Black Isle did a better job with the world and the lore, and I think that the games would have been even better had they retained ownership of the IP. I don't think it's a coincidence that the best regarded of the Bethesda iterations of Fallout, storywise, is New Vegas, which Bethesda licensed out to Obsidian Entertainment -- a company founded by several former members of Interplay's original Fallout developers.


I doubt that. The people from former Black Isle so far failed to match their achievements in the RPG genre from 25 years ago. Fallout 2 is just scaling of Fallout 1. Looking at the screenshots from project "Van Buren", which was supposed to be Fallout 3, I think they were preparing more of the same. Mostly I miss the isometric perspective, but I'm old school and others may disagree with me on that.


Yep - we see decadence everywhere, unfortunately. Many directors in hollywood which made some of the best films ever, now make utter BS - even those that didn't take the woke route. Prior success is no guarantee of future results.


well that's because most these projects are actually not helmed by one person only. you can have many key people but they do their work out of passion in the background then either get fired/cut or leave for better pastures due to ambitions.

Spielberg was known to have his own little crew and took them to whatever project he was making.


People can run out of ideas as well and get lazy


That's the reason I have no interest in this show.

Fallout 1 and 2 were among my favorite games of all time. I must've sunk entire months of playing time on each of them. "Fallout" 3, despite my willingness to ignore all the jarring stylistic and narrative changes, couldn't hold my attention beyond a couple of hours, and New Vegas, despite all the praise it usually gets from my fellow angry and impossible-to-please fans, wasn't much better as, some of the original creators being involved or not, it didn't play anything like an actual Fallout game.

When I heard about this show, my first thought was "yeah, it's going to be based on F3 onwards, isn't it?" It didn't take me more than one look at the Vault Suits to answer that question.


The show creator claims he's a fan of all the games. I've noticed a couple subtle references to the originals, like when Maximus tells Lucy "you think you're going to leave the vault and convince a warlord to give up their hostage just by talking to them?" A clear reference to the early quest in Fallout 1 where you rescue Tandi from the Khans, which can be accomplished with a speech check.


Fallout 3 was quite good??

Fuck of!!


The prob is....since then, Tim Cain came out as gay - is ecstatic about baldur's gate 3 - and if he were to make fallout now, it would prolly be close to baldur's gate 3. In other words.... bethesda might actually be the lesser of 2 evils.
