Kristen Stewart

There's too much to detail in what I didn't like about this mess of a movie, but I have to single out Kristen Stewart's acting. While I've liked her in a few of her previous movies, I thought she was terrible in this one. It could have been that the director told her she had to whisper almost all her lines, or it could have been Kristen's slurring most of her lines, which is a bad habit of hers, or it could have been that she was miscast. Whatever it was, I'm scratching my head over the fact that so many people are lauding her for Best Actress. And who knows, she may well win, depending on how popular she is with Oscar voters. The Oscars are a popularity contest anyway.


I didn't like her either. There is a scene at the start where she walks into the diner. She has this expression on her face that is just weird, like something you would see in 80's porn films where they still tried to use plots.

I thought the film was a mess and didn't paint anyone in a fair or positive light. I don't feel like we learned much new either. The two side characters (the Major and I think the other was Darren) were more interesting.


Unfortunately, she was the only good part of this movie.
The accent police will be out in full force, but Kristen was good.
The music score was pretty good.
Although, the 80’s tune at the end was weird, and it made it seem like it belonged to a different movie.



Horrible, amateurish, awkward, monotone, expressionless, like she'd never been in front of a camera before. Maybe Stewart can play awkward modern girls, but she has no acting skills and the idiot director couldn't compensate for her deficiencies, and frankly, didn't seem to be aware of how bad she is.

But then, this is the guy who made the almost equally bad "Jackie", where star Natalie Portman was almost as bad as this, as an actor's director he seems to be on a par with George Lucas... but he thinks he's David Lean!
