MovieChat Forums > The Twin (2022) Discussion > Seriously. What a bunch of crap. (spoi...

Seriously. What a bunch of crap. (spoilers)

The dead giveaway was that Anthony never acknowledged the presence of Elliot when he was in the room, but he did acknowledge his existence through Rachel. That kind of threw me off. Turns out you think it's better to buy into your wife's extremely serious mental breakdown instead of sticking to professional help?

What idiot does that. Oh yeah, a idiot written by someone who is so desperately trying to throw you off track that they write a pathetically unrealistic story. Even putting Helen in as a worthless distraction.

What a waste of time.


Yeah, I'm not sure it even all makes sense though. How did Helen know that her "son" made a wish and everything?


Damn. That's a good question,...........and I don't have a plausible answer.


The writers clearly threw shit against the wall hoping some of it would stick. This movie was a boring, annoying, disjointed mess. It was like a non-functional Frankenstein monster with all the plot points and cliches borrowed from so many horror movies of before.

Found it very hard to keep watching. The kid was also annoying af and the Norwegian backdrop added almost nothing to the whole story. 5/10 and that's being generous.


Good atmosphere, but it's been made few times like this one and kinda predictable twists too. Teresa Palmer was good in her role and deserved better than this movie.
