Crucifixion scene. SPOILERS

What do we think was happening here? It looked like disemboweling. I don't think any kinky sexual torture was happening. Or did I miss some nuance?


It was vague enough that there's no way for the viewer to know for sure. I took it as genital torture, because that's the worst thing that I can imagine.

Maybe disemboweling through the genitalia.


"Maybe disemboweling through the genitalia."
Jesus... and I was thinking something like foot tickling....
It's almost always best when horrible things in films are left for the spectator's imagination to fill in.


If it's foot tickling you want to see, you'll have to subscribe to her OnlyFans.


Do you have the adress ? It's for... a friend...
But seriously though, looks like they were "just" slowly roasting her (there was a fire under her).
The film made a point of not being explicit about gory details (you don't see what happens to Praetorian Jack either...), which I had no problem with.


They show enough for the viewer to know it's disturbing. The opening scene with the motorcycles quartering that unfortunate dude ended in a cloud of dust rather than showing the dismemberment. But we all know what happened there.

The roasting thing is interesting. Maybe when it gets to streaming, I'll give it another watch.


Dementus disturbs me because I could be him. It's not about who you are, it's about who they expect you to be. Which I felt is a role Big D struggled with the whole time. To lead a gang of cut throat mercs in the apocalypse, you have to be mean, unyielding, and unpredictable. And in your heart you just wish you were watching Saturday morning cartoons with your kids. You don't get to do that. And if you don't lead this crew, they're gonna make you their bitch. So you have to be mean. Dementus was not Humungus, his heart wasn't in it. Even Dementus took a step back when he met Immortan Joe and his army of Warboys. Here was something truly biblically scary. Dementus couldn't even get a man under his banner to put on the Warboy makeup until Octoboss signed off on it. Joe has mofos sailing from the sky to their deaths just to prove a point. He was outclassed from the getgo. He is shown being rattled by the torture of Furiosa's mother. But he made it happen. Later on, when it comes to the fate of Jack and Furiosa's torture, he gives nunfuks. That's how far along on the scary meter he's trekked. Trying to hold his rabble of lunatic madmen together. Even in the end, when he bids adieu to his lieutenants, he's just like "fuck off, get bent" and peels out. Who would ever be loyal to this man? This selfish narcissistic prima donna. But yeah. That could be me. Playing the role but never committed to the cause. When he loses in the end, he thinks he won, because truly, in the end, he created a daughter in Furiosa. Someone worthy. Applesauce.


This matches very closely with my takeaway from it as well. His speech at the end to Furiosa ties it all together.

And yes, there is a father/daughter quality about it, as despicable as that may seem.


Spot on, yes.
Dementus is by far the most interesting character in the film.


I took it as disemboweling
