MovieChat Forums > Outer Range (2022) Discussion > they can't make sci-fi anymore

they can't make sci-fi anymore

this is proof. 5.5/10. a mess.


Whoosh! Stick to transformers.


transformers? what's that?


That's like watching a Western and complaining they can't make science fiction any longer.
This was in no way science fiction to me. How do you figure this science fiction, or was that
implicit in your argument, that since this one movie was not science fiction they cannot make
science fiction any more?

I think your rating is high. To me anything around 5 is about average. Since I could not even
finish this, or get past the halfway point, I'd give it a 2 or 3. Stuff like this is insulting to the
viewer's intelligence.


it has time travel, it's obviously science fiction.


Time travel is fantasy, not scientifically plausible.


why is the time machine considered sci-fi?


Well, for one thing it was technological, and it was, or tried to be, consistent. It was telling a story that used a time travel machine to expand on ideas about present day trends. Personally, I don't like science fiction that relies on time travel because I think it is impossible and not really scientific, but there are occasions where it is used as a device to support a science fiction plot to make social commentary about the present day.

There is a grey area. Like Gulliver's Travels which is kind of science fictiony.

I just did not see any signs that Outer Range had any point or science fiction aspect to it. That said I think I only watched about 4 or 5 episodes and did not watch the latter episodes very closely. I'd describe it as fantasy or supernatural rather than science fiction.

Almost all of the later Star Trek stories or series relies on time travel which is one reason I have no interest in it. However, when there are stories like "City On The Edge of Forever" or "Gary 7" or the episode about the dying planet there they escaped into their own past, there were reasons to use time travel to tell a story, and since it was in the context of Star Trek it is easier to view it as SF, but Star Trek, to me was more science fantasy with some SF aspects.

Outer Range has no such ambiguity, at least what I saw.


To you, not to me. It's pure fantasy.


Interstellar was the last great sci fi movie.


I would put it under the broader umbrella of 'speculative fiction.'
