It's not so much a review as a summary. Many spoilers. Thanks for posting it, though. I may check the movie out.


That's the top review at 3/10! Metascore is 13 because wrong "politics".
IMDb rating 8.1!


The User score is 9.5. RT's is 98%. Imdb down to 7.5.


The metascore is based on 6 Venice Festival reviews. Better off doing a google search limited to last month.



Some recent reviews.

Zoe is also struggling with who she is while being bored with school, but she chooses a different path. Run Hide Fight is about her, not about Tristan. She doesn’t understand or appreciate her relationship with her parents (Thomas Jane and Radha Mitchell) or her best friend Lewis (Olly Sholotan), but unbeknownst to her, all three of them helped prepare her to rise to a challenge she never saw coming. And all three of them are also a practical help in surviving the assault on the school, whether they are alive or not.

While it’s likely to go unmentioned in most media circles, female empowerment is integral to Run Hide Fight in two ways: the heroism of Zoe, obviously, but also the loving example she gets from her mother. Zoe’s own journey plays out with the guidance of her late mother, a subplot that provides just enough character development to make the action satisfying. And when the time comes for Zoe to deliver her final one-liner, the movie passes on feminism in favor of a final repudiation of the logic of mass shootings. "After all your hard work, people aren’t going to remember you," Zoe tells Tristan. "They’re going to remember me."


What did you think of the movie ?


I watched it last night and thought it was pretty damn good. You could think of it as Die-Hard-in-a-high-school with mild conservative overtones, but with the caveat that Zoe doesn't actually do a ton of fighting in the film, and spends a lot more time maneuvering around the school shooters to help get others out of the school to freedom.

It's really very well-made.


"Mild conservative overtones"?
I didn't notice anything political in the movie.


In today's crazy world the positive depiction of hunting, the theme of self-reliance in the face of danger, and the positive depiction of the use of firearms to defeat evil could be considered "conservative" in nature.

No doubt there are left-wingers out there who watched those scenes and hated Zoe for killing that poor innocent deer and who were apoplectic at the idea that a private citizen could have access to a powerful hunting rifle. The fact that the rifle was later show positively when it was used to overcome violent attackers most certainly drove them bonkers.


Understood. Thank you.
These people must really hate Die Hard then.


They seem to be able to give a pass to obviously ridiculous action films like Die Hard, as it's pretty much a fantasy.

Something like Run Hide Fight is too realistic, and in fact many of the reviewers criticized the movie for being "in bad taste."


I would give it a 6.5/10. I think the ending goes a bit too far. The cops are all in the way.
