unbelievably ugly wife

Olivia Williams was the worst choice for the wife of the former UK prime minister. It cannot be true. She looked like she can be a homeless junky, who hadn't brushed her teeth or showered for ages.
In the first scene with her, I could not believe she is Mrs. Lang! She could be the maid of the house. Couldn't they find an upper-class well-groomed lady? It was also hard to believe somebody would sleep with this most unattractive butt-ugly trailor-trash-looking zombie, who has no color anywhere whatsoever!


surprise surprise all women look like crap without makeup! Maybe Politicians are educated and aren't as shallow as you.


Oh stop. She's gorgeous, playing a part that isn't so gorgeous.


All women look like crap without makeup - TO TWELVE YEAR OLD BOYS!


i did not think she was ugly, just kind a no-frills type. but that is why he had amelia. typical upper-crust british: non glamorous wife, sexy mistress.


Ruth Lang's nasty looks were intentionally applied by the Makeup Department for the purpose of character creation and development. Actress Olivia Williams is rather attractive, as you can see by calling up her pictures in Google Images. (Check out the outfit she wore to the 2010 BAFTA awards!)


She was a CIA agent, he married her for his carrier. Besides if you look at first ladies not many of them are good looking especially in their 50s. The ghost could have been uglier though.

my vote history:


Clearly trolling.

When she went out in the pouring rain in the middle of the night I caught myself thinking: 'She doesn't need an umbrella or raincoat. Any rain headed for her will turn to steam long before it reaches her, that's how hot she is.'

I don't know, Butchie, instead.


And yet somehow I get the feeling that she is more attractive than the sloppy ham sandwich that you’ll ultimately end up with.


Do you ever wonder why and what purpose does it serve to try to insult someone with an opinion you do not like or disagree with on the Internet. There might be a point of there was a thumbs-up/thumbs-down counter, but there isn't.


Because his opinion is mean-spirited. His was t a ciritique on casting or acting skills, but a shallow and spiteful comment, devoid of critical value or constructive potential and likely born of personal dissatisfaction and jealousy.


So you decided to one-up him in shallowness and spite?


Your original comment suggests that I was lashing out at him simply because he was expressing a different point of view than my own; a benign counterpoint that I dislike because of how it contrasts with whatever thoughts I have to offer . The reality is that he is not looking to promote thoughtful discussion, but take a cheap shot and cowardly shot at Olivia Williams to cope with his personal insecurities. The need to effigize Williams is likely born of an immature defense mechanism designed to reduce the anxiety OP may feel as a result of feeling invalidated by the gender he desires.

Additionally, my comment was meant to underscore that all people age and, unless OP is gay or celebate, Williams is likely more attractive than the women he will end up sleeping with at some point. It was written in a confrontational tone because I don’t believe that OP Is willing or capable of having an honest discussion about the above material, and coming at OP from an angle of personal impact while borrowing his language is likely a much more effective approach than appealing to his empathy.


OK ... but didn't anyone ever tell you two wrongs don't make a right?
Why does Olivia Williams need you to defend her in a lame way? I get
the motivate, I hate dips on the Internet too, but why add to it?

The question about how to rehabilitate these cretins, or punish them
seems to be one that society as a whole is not concerned with. Hell
we encourage people to attack each other. Somehow it is exciting and
entertaining. I hate it, and in the OLD IMDB that was almost all there


the original post is from the old IMDB... he will probably not see these replies unless he visits this forum and searches for his old posts from his imdb days...


Yeah ... I noticed that too late.


no problem... it's both the good and the bad thing about this site...


Yeah, I have an old account from IMDB that I cannot connect to as far as I know ... that kind of sucks.


I wasn’t trying to defend Williams so much as I was deriding OPs nastiness. But perhaps you are right. Anyhow, it seems pointless when given consideration to the fact that he won’t see the response.

There is so much ugliness online that derails any kind of positive communication. I know it is impossible to engage individuals that are more interested in giving themselves the illusion of control than sharing ideas. So I took the low road. I suppose it’s all a pointless circle jerk most of the time anyhow.


I've been on the Internet, or what used to be the Internet since 1985, when I began really working in tech. What we have now is a real disappointment ... and I hope we figure out how to manage these miserable people, and the impulses to be just as miserable back at them. As it stands now, I want to move to the country and get away from this ugly mess. But I do like to converse online with intelligent people. There used to be a pretty good online discussion place called Gather.Com where a lot of discussions happened. I guess it went out of business.
