The fight

With the strong black dude ... I expected Fassbender's character to have a backup weapon, either a small gun (like John Wick) or at least a knife. Did he have anything? I think when going into a house like that, you have to expect trouble (resistance), possibly several not very nice people...


I didn’t have a problem with his lack of weaponry as he is the kind of individual to have the ingrained skill set to make a weapon out of pretty much anything in his immediate environment.
My only problem with this scene, in fact, with the whole film, is that when he opens the door he hears the alarm signal and imo did not proceed as cautiously as he should have. I would have immediately taken cover and waited for the target to come to me. The brute character was clearly tipped off by it and ended up ambushing the Killer.


It was a good fight though wasn't it, possibly the best bit of the film for me. The brute just kept coming and kept coming. It was bru-tal!


Yes, except so dark I had trouble knowing just who was hit each time. The target's man-bun looked a lot like the Killer's knit cap.

So for me, kind of a let-down.


Looked pacific islander to me. He had an ambush ready... why did he not just shoot? I think he assumed it was an untrained burglar. Also he was already limping going into the casino earlier... perhaps from the fight with the girl?
