MovieChat Forums > Sons of Anarchy (2008) Discussion > Best scene in the series?

Best scene in the series?

I actually just finished SoA. I started watching a couple years ago, but couldn't get past the Belfast trip, which I thought was horrible. I decided to give it another go; glad I did.

The single best scene in the series, for me, was Juice confessing the way Tara was murdered, to Jax. I have always thought that Charlie Hunnam was a really good actor. My one minor quibble about him, would be that every now and then, his accent comes through and doesn't sound natural. Hunnam and Rossi nailed that scene, though. That scene, was brilliant.



@Rylant, I heard the accent coming through several times. I thought it was pretty funny!


Me too...
Hunnam was great but he slipped a lot of times with the accent
It cracked me up as well :)


There were too many great scenes, but one of the most nail-bitingly ones was when Abel tells daddy who killed Mommy.


I liked the one where Tara realized she could be in danger from Jax, so at the end instead of getting out of town, she was home rocking the baby and singing. Then it pans over to the gun she had sitting beside her.


In early Season 2, Where Gemma's in the car eyeing Zobelle's Cigar Shoppe, and then Unser pulls up. He asks if she pulled a gun on a woman, "ya" she says. He says, "just ya?" LMAO. Then to top it all off she pulls out a white mask from the paper bag all unhinged, he says "what, you going to go rob a bank?" That smile Unser gives while he's talking is hilarious.

Basically any scene with these two characters is fantastic throughout the series.
