
This movie is very Islamophobic, it’s about a blogger in America travelling to the Middle East, and preaching about his god to Muslims.

You don’t travel to another persons country to ram your religious beliefs down their throats, you show respect to their religion. What did he expect to happen when he told the muslims in that meeting that “Jesus wants to be your god?”

He didn’t even try to convert his wife back to religion.


I think it was more anti-Iran than Islamophobic. It's extremists that kidnap him, and transport him to Iran, and it's the Iranian 'church' (and likely government) that prosecute him.


Nothing Islamomphobic about something that's very real and happens.


Here's a new word fuck-uaphobic yeah...FUCK YOU!

There's your woke!


Seek help, now.


Cry more.


How do you know this is very real? Do you go to another persons house, tell them how to live their lives, and expect no retribution?


It's literally based on a true story.


So does this mean Muhammed (and all subsequent Muslims who practiced Dawah) was 'phobic' of whatever people or societies he targeted when he set out to convert them? Islamophobia is a bullshit term than 95% of the time simply amounts to 'Islamic blasphemy'. The same applies here. Muslims are free to preach their religion pretty much everywhere, the same can't be said of non-Muslims preaching their beliefs in Muslim countries.
