How is this not all over the news?

Stone did a fantastic job collecting evidence compiled by others in over 2 million documents relating to this coup d'etat.

I can't go into the whole thing in a MC comment, not to mention I remember that day and am just totally outraged.

Why did Donald Trump refuse to authorize and demand the release of all Kennedy assassination documents?

> The President tweeted in 2017 that he would order the files to be released. It doesn't look like that's going to happen.

The ruling military junta of this corrupt country needs to the time for all the conspirators to die, and for a new batch of thugs to be installed. Maybe Trump among them?

There are two many stories here backed up with documented evidence to think this was anything other than a massive military/intelligence murder and takeover.

One question I had was, since I don't think LBJ was in on the plot, what was his connection to to it and what did he think?

Since I was a little boy this event has stuck in my craw, and I think the American government's legitimacy was destroyed that day, and it's only gotten worse since.

Now people don't remember, they can't really follow the story, and mostly they don't seem to care anymore. It's like looking back in the past to the 1901 McKinley assassination own Buffalo, NY. What could people get out of that today?

What Stone's documentary proves is that everyone who has supported this cockamamie story has been part of the plot or manipulated by the plotters.

Just a few points of fact.

Jack Ruby had contact with the FBI as a confidential informant ... and that was never admitted.

Ballistics experts shot through the bones of cadavers and there was not one bullet that was undamaged when it came out, but the so-called "magic bullet" that caused 8 wounds was almost pristine. Also the chain of custody was broken on that bullet.

The gun that was shown in photos with Oswald was not the same gun that was used in evidence as the one that shot Kennedy.

See the documentary ... so much better than the silly JFK movie.


Sounds too dumb even for CNN.


"Ballistics experts shot through the bones of cadavers and there was not one bullet that was undamaged when it came out, but the so-called "magic bullet" that caused 8 wounds was almost pristine. Also the chain of custody was broken on that bullet."

OMG, is Stone really this dumb? If you do a google image search, the intact bullet is the one that missed. Only fragments were recovered from people and vehicle.


Yeah, he's just that dumb ... or maybe you are.


If that bullet missed, how did it end up on the stretcher


Now people don't remember, they can't really follow the story, and mostly they don't seem to care anymore.

Well said. Tragic but true. Oh but how far we have fallen.

:( :( :(


The "news" will always be extremely reluctant to credit other sources who gather important information. I thought Stone did a fabulous job with JFK (not a documentary) . I hope to see "Revisited."


I did watch part of it. I was surprised to learn there was one doctor who said the wound on the front of his neck was an entrance wound. Not an exit wound. I'd never heard that before.
