MovieChat Forums > Tron: Legacy (2010) Discussion > Movies you love that get alot of hate

Movies you love that get alot of hate

It's funny. This movie has a 50% on RT, meaning there seem to be as many who like this movie as do dislike it. Most people I've met haven't seen it, and I've come across several people who seem to HATE it. And yet, every time I see it, I like it a little more.

I don't know, maybe it's because it was better than a lot of reviews had led me to believe, or maybe it was because it was better than what it could have been. I watch this movie and get the feeling that the people making it really put care into making it. Also, the acting was better than I would have thought. And it was the best of the live-action blockbusters Disney produced that year (then again that doesn't really say anything since the two were Prince of Persia, which was forgettable, and Alice in Wonderland, which shouldn;t have made as much as it did).

So, do you feel the same as I do for other movies(btw, I apologize if you like PoP or AiW)? Maybe even for this movie? Share your thoughts below.

Dragon Age, Mass Effect, and BioShock: Proof that video games are becoming better than movies.



Waterworld. Most of the jokes about it, hover over the huge budget--- but storywise, I actually thought the premise was clever & the plot was decent. The movie has a mix of black comedy and action, with characters who are likable enough that you connect with them.

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


Yeah, movies like Waterworld, Ishtar, and Heaven's Gate are all kinda in the same boat. The industry declared them all to be "BOMBS," which only means that they failed at the box office and didn't make a profit. They lost money. In these cases it was because the budgets went out of control and became so damn huge that they had almost no chance of making money. But thanks to twerps like Leonard Maltin, who idiotically misused the term "BOMB" to mean "bad movie," the public got the wrong idea, it spread like wildfire, and the reputations became set in stone. Waterworld isn't bad at all, really. The worst anyone can really say about it is that it's a blatant Mad Max 2/The Road Warrior rip off set in the ocean. It's actually just a pretty typical summer action flick.


There are lots of movies I love but are usually hated on. Sure they don't have top of the line stories, writing etc, but from entertainment perspectives, they really rank high in my view. I can always watch them at anytime and get very well entertained and to me, that is what counts. IF a movie can entertain me, then I don't care about its plot holes etc.
Some of them from the top of my head are:

Transformers 2
Transformers 3
Pearl Harbor
The Rock
The Day after tomorrow
Tron Legacy
Battle: Los angeles
Terminator Salvation



I just watched this and surprisingly I liked it!

Movies that I enjoy that usually (or definitely) get a "What a piece of sh*t," from others on IMDb are The Lovely Bones, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, The Host (2013), Superman Returns, The Village, The Happening, Lady in the Water, Hulk (2003) and Repo: A Genetic Opera. There are more, but those take the cake for getting their back whipped with a cat-o-nine-tails -- and everyone wants a turn.

2014: Whiplash, Cold in July, that Terrence Malick project set in Austin


The Lovely Bones was on TV here the other day, and I gave it a try. After about twenty minutes I couldn't stand it! It was too much. Stanley Tucci is unbearably wretched to watch, particularly in certain scenes. But then I went to Wikipedia and read all about it, especially the fact that its core audience was 12-20 year old girls, and I started watching it again with a new frame of mind, and I got it, and really liked it. It reminded me that Peter Jackson is capable of some really fine visual storytelling when he's properly motivated.


I don't know why so many people seem to dislike Scott Pilgrim Vs The World. That movie was a lot of fun with loads of old-school video game references & sound effects... the story was cute, the comedy was top-tier. Kieran Culkin stole the show and was frickin' hilarious!

Sometimes fires don't go out when you're done playin' with them.


There are people who DON'T like Scott Pilgrim?!?!

"Evil beware . . . we have waffles."
- Raven, "Teen Titans"


There are people who DON'T like Scott Pilgrim?!?!

Weird. I just looked around.... It only $47 million worldwide, so it didn't earn back its $60 million budget. That makes it a flop.

However, it's got an 82% critic score, and 83% audience score over at rotten tomatoes.. which means people DID like it. Where were these people who love it, when it was in theaters?

A life is like a garden. Perfect moments can be had, but not preserved, except in memory. LLAP


I guess people only discovered it once it came out on DVD, making it something of a cult classic.

Nice signature, by the way. RIP Leonard Nimoy. :(

"Evil beware . . . we have waffles."
- Raven, "Teen Titans"


yeah...its a great movie with great soundtrack...and it goes on my list together with
1.Waterworld 6.0
2.Knowing 6.2
3.The Postman 5.9
4.Assassins 6.2
5.Cliffhanger 6.3
6.Daylight 5.7
7.U.S. Marshals 6.5
8.The Beach 6.6
9.Jumanji 6.7

if i see that bad movies like The Tree of Life has 6.7
and Thor The Dark World has 7.3 rate....that make me feel even more sad


It took me a few tries but when I finally 'got' this movie (i.e. the emotional core of the story, the strained father-son relationship between Sam and Kevin), wow, it was quite an experience. When you do fully understand TRON: Legacy, it truly is a magnificent, awe-inspiring work of art.
